Thursday, April 5, 2018

You say it's spring?

Well you could have fooled me. It sure doesn't look like it or feel like it. It's cold, gloomy, super windy and there are snowflakes flying around out there. It's noting heavy and it's not sticking to the ground but still, there are snowflakes instead of flowers.

I really can't wait until I see my yard full of these again

I'm sure it won't make my neighbor who has his yard sprayed every year to see my yard full of dandelions but I like them.

Ginny had more questions yesterday about that kissing ball so I've got more answers. The crystal came that way with the stuff already on it. I didn't add anything to it at all. It was a gift a couple years ago from a friend but I have seen them at the local drugstore in their gift section.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never seen or heard of the kissing balls! I think dandelions are beautiful! It always cheers me up to see the yard full of little dots of sunlight. I hate for Phil to mow them down! And the joy they give small children to blow them when they go to seed!!! So YES, I am getting a mini vase and making a bouquet just like YOURS!!! Phil will love this, as I can still have them and he can mow. At first these were so beautiful I thought they were some kind of glorious cultivated flower. We are dandelion heads and should be proud of it!! I told Phil when I die to put wildflowers on my grave.

Pam said...

I had to go down and check out yesterdays blog to see what KISSING ball you were talking about....or even what it was! HAHA....Yep, 78 here yesterday, 57 today. Crazy weather, oh and temps down to 21 tonight with chance of snow and sleet on Saturday. I will be so glad when Mother Nature decides to start acting better! I have purple wild violets all in the yard. Love those.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am a dandelion lover also. i also love any and all weeds that flower. i rather have wild flowers than roses... these are beautiful. they have the same exact ball you have on amazon, i just ran a search and it popped up with them in in several stores including Walmart. but the one exactly like yours is amazon.... i have never seen them anywhere until yours..

Grace said...

Dandelions are flowers, so - GOOD. I don't understand why people want to get rid of crabgrass - it's green, it's grass - all good! After days and days of dreary rain and wind we actually have sunshine today but snow on Saturday! WTH!

handmade by amalia said...

And here am I - wearing a t-shirt and sunscreen. Sorry.

Lin said...

I will be the dissenter--I don't like dandelions in my lawn. I work really, really hard for a beautiful lawn and garden and it drives me nuts when the neighbor doesn't treat for weeds. Dandelions overtake and kill the lawn. :(

Okay...commence hating....hahaha!

Out on the prairie said...

We always looked to pick the first ones for my mother , and they sat in her kitchen window for her to look at while watching us play.

Sandee said...

One persons flowers is another persons weeds. Enjoy your flowers.

We have another winter system coming through starting today. Hopefully we'll have nice weather for our cruise with our yacht club the following weekend.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

crafty cat corner said...

Isn't it funny how if a flower is named as a weed its thought of as less lovely. I've never thought of picking dandelions before but I will now, they look beautiful.

Kate said...

I like dandelions - they provide bees with food in the spring, their blossoms make a delicious jelly, and the young leaves are good salad greens ..... and who doesn't remember a tiny hand offering us a bouquet of them. :) First, the snow must end and disappear - it's been hanging on far too long this year. :{

Marg said...

I like dandelions too. It gives the grass a little color. We don't have very many in our yard. Have a great day Ann.

Reeni said...

I like dandelions too! How about when they're fuzzy? They look so pretty. It's cold here too and they said it might snow this weekend.

Out on the prairie said...

Love them or hate them, there is a small yellow flower that shows up every spring and sticks around until late fall. The common dandelion grows quickly and is found in both urban and rural areas. You mow your lawn and the next day they reappear. Many people wage war on these persistent plants but there are some great reasons to leave it be. Dandelions are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, and detoxifiers that make them a great food source for people. WHAT! Eat a dandelion? Every bit of the plant can be consumed; flower, leaves, and root. You can eat them raw in a salad or cook them, they are one of the most nutrient rich plants you will find! One half cup of dandelions contains more calcium than a glass of milk, and more iron than spinach. One cup of dandelion greens contains 19mg of vitamin C and the leaves contain more vitamin A than carrots. They are also full of vitamin K and other essential minerals such as potassium, folic acid, and magnesium. If that isn’t enough reason to leave the herbicide on the shelf and let these beauties grow, there is more. Local pollinators are heavily dependent on the early blooms as their first meal in the spring and often last meal in the autumn. Bumblebees, solitary bees and honey bees all visit dandelions, as well as, hoverflies, beetles and butterflies. If the value to insects isn’t quite enough to keep you from removing this plant from your yard, maybe the American goldfinch might change your mind. This beautiful little yellow bird is a strict granivore (only eats seeds) and happens to love the tiny seeds of dandelions. With all the benefits of the dandelion, maybe you will be willing to live with at least a few in your yard?

Sharkbytes said...

We have 6 inches of wet snow on the ground and more on the way. No spring here for at least a week.

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