Monday, April 16, 2018

For the birds.

It still doesn't look very spring-like around here but I did spot quite a few birds through the window the other day. The weather is pretty gloomy so the lighting isn't great.

Love all the colors you can see in those feathers.

In other news, my doctor decided to send me for allergy testing. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that a couple weeks ago. Anyway, today is my appointment with the ear nose and throat doctor. They are going to evaluate me to determine if allergy testing is necessary. This is all getting quite annoying.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, I hope the ENT will have some answers for you. Please keep us posted. So nice to see the birds.

Pam said...

Allergy testing...oh fun. One time I had it done I had holes all in my back which is hard cause when you react and you can't reach it. Then another time I had them all up and down my arms. But, doing the shots really helped me. I did them for over a total of 10 yrs. Been off since 06 and still doing well. Going to get the shots every week or sometimes twice a week sucks but in the long run well worth it! Best of luck...can't wait to hear what you are allergic too.

Kate said...

Good luck with your appt. today. I really enjoyed seeing your bird photos - I have yet to see a robin this year. Have a good week.

Grace said...

Oh I do like da boids! I've been taking a whole bunch of bird pics - love them. Here's hoping it's nothing too complicated; nothing more than a negative reaction to the synthetic smell of cheap perfume!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hope your ENT visit helps figure out something, my visit did not... the birds are pretty and look cold to me. i saw one of the speckled birds here for the first time ever, a grackle i think

Lin said...

Oh my gosh! Those doctors are STILL just TALKING about testing??! criminy. I wish they would do something to help you already! How frustrating.

We have snow here this morning. I think the birds are tired of this too.

Sandee said...

It's an easy test and you'll know what you're allergic to, or what you're not. It's a good thing. I'm sure you have other things you'd like to be doing on your day off.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

you will enjoy the tests, well maybe not. Nice to know sometimes. I have a lot but never let it stop me.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Doctor's appointments are always annoying but I'm hoping that they will be successful in helping you!!! Good luck today.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

It still amazes me to see robins in the snow and I do love it. You got great pics even in low light.

Hope you find answers to the health problems you are experiencing. I'll pray for answers so you don't have to go through needless testing.

And, you making people mad? No way! You are one of the sweetest encourages I know!

BeadedTail said...

The birds have been more active here too! Hope the ENT is able to help you!

Molly Smith said...

Hope your appointment went well. Ugh re allergies.

Thought I'd check on your weather. Ahh, the birds are at least a sign in the right direction for Spring. Hope you see it soon.

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