Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Whine or wine?

This just may go down in history as the worst vacation I have ever had. I have no energy, no ambition, and I haven't spoken to, seen or gotten a text from one single person in 3 entire days. Yesterday I was feeling bored, lonely and a bit sorry for myself and that's when the crying started.
I think I'm going to need another box of tissues.

Too bad I don't have any cheese to go with this whine.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh!!! I'm so sorry. But all your blog friends love you...

MadSnapper said...

I am the same as you except I have bob, but other than him have not had any contact outside. Friday at 6:30 am was the last contact with outside world, other than bob. unless you count walking in Home depot at 6 am, getting pool chemicals and using self check out... I am missing the YMCA.. do you have a Y close? they have scholarships to help with the cost. the Y saves my life, I talk to women there 5 days a week.. I am sending you virtual hugs right now, get ready... 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️

Ann said...

Thanks Ginny. I guess I'm just having a bit of a pity party for myself. This too shall pass :)

Grace said...

I will not compare my isolation with yours or my whine and cheese party with yours either. You've got reason to feel a little down and blue - I expect it will come in waves for some time yet. Being home alone with nothing to distract you just lets it bubble up to the surface. You haven't had time yet to put together a new normal. You will. It's just a matter of time. But allow yourself to feel all the feels...And you can always call me...I'm here every day LOL

Hootin Anni said...

Well, Grace certainly said all there is to say. Lonely is normal right now. My sister lost her husband 4 yrs. ago and still goes thru the all alone blues & tears flow. It's natural.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Oh dear Ann ~ you will have days like this that come and go. I know from experience through these last 5 1/2 years since losing my husband. Let the tears flow, they are healing. Did you know that there is a verse in the Bible that says God bottles all of our tears? They are precious to Him & He heals our broken hearts.

May you have some lovely days to follow this down time you are having.

Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Marg said...

Oh Ann, that sounds like something normal to do. I so agree with what everyone else has said here. It all just takes time and sometime lots of it.It is really hard to be alone all the time. Take care.

Lin said...

I think it has all been said in the other comments. I am just sorry that you are blue and alone. I hope today is better for you! Love ya, Annie!

Sandee said...

You can have all the pity parties you want. Then you need to shower, get dressed and go somewhere. For a walk. Window shopping. Call your friend and go to lunch. Something different.

Have a good day, my friend. Hugs and love. Scritches to Gibbs. ❤❤❤

Ann said...

isolation is isolation no matter what the reason. I sure wish the new normal would settle in. I don't care much for the roller coaster ride I'm on.

Ann said...

Grace always has a way with words. I suppose no amount of time can stop the tears from coming from time to time.

Ann said...

Thanks Lin. Just knowing you guys are here to lift me up helps a lot.

Ann said...

LOL, I must look really bad if you suggested a shower first. I know what you mean but that just cracked me up. thanks for the laugh

Ann said...

Thanks for the hugs, always appreciated.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's okay to cry. You lost your husband this year. It is going to be an emotional roller coaster for awhile. Don't be too hard on yourself. ((HUGS))

Reeni said...

Aww big big HUGS!! I would love that! But that's just me. Nothing wrong with reaching out and texting someone first - I tell myself that all the time. Don't even worry about crying - supposedly it's a good thing - I still sob-cry almost everyday over Moon.

Ann said...

Thanks. I always hate to bother people which is why I rarely text anyone. I still cry over Duke every now and then too.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet friend, I'm so sorry :( hugs to one of the kindest bloggers I know.

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