Sunday, January 27, 2019

A mystery

I'm beginning to wonder what the point is to having a cell phone. I rarely make phone calls and get them even less. I suppose the only advantage to having one is that in case of emergency I would be able to call for help. That's of course is providing that I can get to the phone and am capable of dialing.

These are the strange things that I think of when I've been sitting alone too much. But seriously, I pay $40 a month and the majority of calls that came in to my phone are junk calls. I barely text or get texts. I use my phone mainly  for taking pictures and scrolling through facebook when I'm away from home and have time to kill.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think one very important thing is...that a woman driving by herself will be able to call if the car breaks down. So you have a lifeline and will never get stranded.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I feel the same way, mine is for emerencs only. I have TracFone, you can use the same phone. mine is 12 per month, for 100 minutes, I never use it so it has built up to over 3000 minutes. with TracFone you can buy what you need, don't even have to pay by the month. just buy what you need.. go to their site and read up on it... it is best to have one to have in the car like ginny said..

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I had a simple flip phone, or I should say, we had, when my husband was still here. It was in case I needed his help when I was out driving to and from work. I did use it twice, once my car overheated, and then when he was ill, I had to call him because for the first time in my life I had locked the keys in the vehicle. (Was under a lot of stress at this time and even though he was really sick, my knight in blue jeans came and rescued me.)

After he left, I wanted a better phone and it was not free, but to me is well worth it. Now it is my only phone as I got rid of my land line last month. I have a smart phone, great camera capabilities, (one reason I bought it), I can google maps/directions, google items while in stores, etc. I do text with it. When I'm out in the yard working I have it in a little fanny pack that I wear, in case I have an emergency while out there. I am thankful for it.

Have a nice Sunday and a great week ~ FlowerLady

Grace said...

You live alone, you drive - yes, I would say a cell phone is a necessity! We've had them for 17 years and they never got much of a work-out and I disabled 'data' so no texts. Last year when we got rid of the car and decided to Uber we had to get smartphones and then we got rid of the landline so our mobiles are our only phones. I get next to zero calls but my husband uses his pretty much the way he used the landline - calls for work, his family and friends. I don't work or have family or friends so the only calls I get are from the doctor and dentist LOL

Marg said...

I have a cell phone too and it is for emergencies too. But it is a big help if I am outside someone can get in touch with me.

Sandee said...

We have smart phones and they do come in handy. Especially if we are traveling. I didn't have a cell phone for years after I retired, but decided it was probably a good idea. They are expensive though.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of lovies to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

They are sort of a necessity these days. Emma was on the bus the other day and some woman asked to use her phone for an emergency. Em hesitated because she wanted to help, but she has an Iphone and imagined that the dame was gonna grab it and run. (Not so unheard of in the city of Chicago)Em handed her the headphones with the mouthpiece, but hung on the physical phone and dialed for her. need it in case of emergency.

Try texting your kids more often. Just a "Hey...hi....thinking of you" will most likely get you a response, which is nice. Especially if you are feeling blue or lonely. People are more likely to respond to a text these days.

BeadedTail said...

It's better to pay for the cell phone than a landline if you have to make a choice between the two. You need that cell with you when you're in the car or on a walk or anywhere that something might happen and you need to call for help. Plus, having that camera handy is nice too. I like Lin's suggestion, text your kids more often! Both of my parents text me way more than they call me these days. We also send pics back and forth a lot too.

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy and I have flip phones so I can text him when he is up on the land. My son-in-law gave me his old iPhone 7 plus, without a Sim card, so I take pictures with it and send them via my WiFi at home. The flip phone without data is the best for us because it's small enough to fit in Andy's pocket and we don't travel except to take the train to see Kaitlin and family once every two years. We do spend a mint for our landline but will keep that.

Ann said...

I agree. It's nice to have when on the road. Not only for break downs but for directions too

Ann said...

You're right. I guess I was just I don't have a land line any more so the cell phone is all there is. Even if I don't make a lot of calls I do occasionally need to use a phone

Ann said...

They are convenient

Ann said...

I don't have a land line any more so even if I don't use it much it is a necessity

Ann said...

Yes, they are a necessity especially since I no longer have a landline

Ann said...

You're right the cell is cheaper than the landline which is why I got rid of that.

Ann said...

I got rid of the landline so the cell is a necessity it just doesn't get used much

Out on the prairie said...

I have a Trac Phone, you just buy minutes at Target or wally and being I text more add texts real cheap. There is 2 800 numbers to call and get off junk calls

CrystalChick said...

It took us a while to get updated phones... until maybe September of last year we had basic flip phones. I got a new p/t job and having one was to make some of the duties easier... but I was transferred after 2 months and never use it at work now. haha I do like certain things though... calls come thru the bluetooth feature in my car, directions, etc.
Since you don't have the landline... it is a necessity... but you don't have to use it. Crafting is much more fun!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I use my cell phone often but not for calls. I check emails, Facebook, etc. I don't like talking on it. I do love my land line.

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