Friday, January 11, 2019

Thumbs down

The other night I was throwing something away and the bag was a little full. I tossed whatever it was in the bag and then pushed down. The minute I felt it I knew I had made a mistake. My thumb went straight down onto a dog food can lid that I had thrown away earlier. This was no little scratch either. I wrapped it tightly in a paper towel until I could get it to stop bleeding. I probably could have used a couple stitches but it was late, and I was not about to go sit in an emergency room. I played doctor and fixed myself up. I realized how difficult it is to do quite a few things when you can't really use your thumb. Since my thumb is now a bit sensitive, I also discovered how many times in a day I bump my thumb on things. That poor baby takes a beating.

This thumb is not mine. This one is smiling. Mine is not smiling right now.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh no! You should think about getting a tetanus shot. And watch for signs of infection. Use Neosporin! They have a new antibacterial one now. Phil did the same thing many years ago. He pushed down the kitchen trash, and got a bad cut on his finger from a tuna lid.

The Feminine Energy said...

Ouuuuuuuuuuuuch!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take good care, Ann, and I'm with Ginny.... a tetanus shot would probably not be a bad idea. I'm so sorry this happened! Love, Andrea xoxo

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Ann ~ I am so sorry you cut your thumb like this. We don't realize how much we use our fingers until we damage them. May your thumb heal quickly and completely. Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Donna said...

Ouch and ouch again! Not conducive to a great weekend my friend!
Hope you try to have a peaceful time of it...🥰

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I know all about the thumb thing and any finger I cut, that is the one I bump. hope it heals quickly, with the job you have it will be bumped even more. what I do with my lids is put them in the can and turn the can upside down or put it in another container. I neve put a lid in the trash by itself. my aunt taught me to always make the trash safe because of dogs getting in the trash when it was put out. she said leaving a lid attached partially to a can, could injure dogs or cats or wildlife, to always cut the lid free and contain it... she was the ultimate animal person. can cuts get really sore... if it gives you problems with bandaids, try the liquid paint on bandage, works like a charm

Sandee said...

Oh no. I hate it when I do things like that. I hope it heals soon. Miserable.

Have a pain free day and weekend. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

Ouchies! My husband does that - throws the top of the cat food can in the regular trash - without rinsing it off even! Never cut myself on a can in the trash but I've done a number on myself washing out the cat food cans! Slices on soft bits really hurts!

Out on the prairie said...

I have used super glue many times. Always a good fix, but I smeared t so bad the last time I had to get fingernail polish remover to separate my fingers.

Ann said...

I guess we tend to forget about what could be hiding underneath things in the garbage can

Ann said...

I knew instantly that I had done something not so smart.

Ann said...

It's a bit sore but not too bad

Ann said...

Normally I would put the lid inside the can but this was from the dog food and he only eats half the can at a time so the lid goes in the trash by itself. Live and learn. Or at least I hope I

Ann said...

I learned the super glue trick from the butcher at work. I did use it on this cut and then covered it with some bandage tape.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

ouch...hope it heals up soon, with no dire consequences...

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry! But I have to admit, I laughed at "This thumb is not mine. This one is smiling. Mine is not smiling right now." It was so well written and the picture was great.

Ann said...

it seems to be doing ok so far

Ann said...

No apologies necessary. If you laughed then I met my goal. I laughed a little when I was typing it. The picture came from a website called snappygoat. They have free public domain pictures. It's my go to sight when I don't have pictures of my own to use.

Lin said...

Oh my gosh! We are always telling people at work not to push down on the garbage because of that reason. You should have a stick or something handy for that purpose. (We work in the food industry, so we have all sorts of sharp things in the garbage)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Ouch! If we have a lid like that I wrap it in paper towel. I have a can opener that does lids without the sharp edge but I know if something is a pull top it will be dangerous. My husband always says that it is silly to wrap it and I always tell him "but if we push the stuff down we could get hurt!"

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