Thursday, January 31, 2019

I heard that.

Well I fretted over nothing on Tuesday. I was worried about the weather and getting to my appointment on time and safely. It was cold out but the roads were fine and I made it there in plenty of time.

I now have my hearing aids. I have to go back in two weeks. She asked if I wanted to go in for a follow up in case I have any questions or problems. Plus OVR requires another hearing test with the hearing aids in. She was going to do that on Tuesday but the room she needed for the test wasn't available.

Let me tell you, I can not believe some of the things I'm hearing. I can hear the clickety clack of the keyboard as I type this post. When I got home on Tuesday I kept hearing a clicking type noise and I could not for the life of me figure out what it was. I finally realized it was Gibbs. His nails were clicking on the floors when he walked across them. I had never heard that before. I've been laughing at all the things I've been hearing.

I used to drive Wade nuts because I couldn't hear. He would get so mad when I asked him what he said. On the drive home I shed a tear or two because he's missing out on me being able to hear. I think he would be very pleased that I got them.

Oh and last night I was able to watch TV without using the headphones. For the longest time that was the only way that I was able to hear the TV.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Hurray! You REALLY needed them!! I am so glad for you. And now you can hear Gibbs coming!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! When my sister got hers, it was re-discovering things she missed for years!!
I agree. Wade is pleased....:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am reading this aloud to bob, he felt the same way when he got his. he was cooking breakfast and said what is that noise? I said its your eggs frying. he just said wait til you hear the eggs fry or cooking noises. I used to get so mad with him because he could not hear and I repeated everything and he refused to go get the aids. so glad you got yours, he has been wearing them for 11 years now

Kate said...

Fabulous!! I wish my fella would consider getting hearing aids.

Grace said...

Yes, Yes, and Yay! I am so thrilled for you! ❤️

Out on the prairie said...

A new world will open. My brother had a cochlear implant and was shocked hearing a semi passing him.Wishing you the best

Sandee said...

Good for you. I'm glad you finally have them. It sure took a long time. Enjoy hearing what you've been missing for year.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wade would most definitely be pleased! I am happy for you dear Ann.

Lin said...

YAY!!! Maybe Angel Wade had something to do with the hearing aids??? I like to think that.

I am so happy for you!

BeadedTail said...

This is the happiest thing I've heard all day! I'm beyond thrilled for you! I agree with Lin that Wade had something to do with the hearing aids and probably the glasses too.

Ann said...

Yes I did. It's not perfect but way better

Ann said...

Yes, that's exactly what it is

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy for you!

Ann said...

If it weren't for OVR I would not have been able to afford them. Finding them and getting their help was a real blessing

Ann said...

Thanks. It is pretty thrilling :)

Ann said...

I knew my hearing was bad but I didn't realize how much I was missing out on

Ann said...

The case worker I'm assigned to told me they're good but they're

Ann said...

That sure is a nice thought :)

Ann said...

Thanks. I like Lin's idea of Wade having something to do with it.

Ann said...

Thank you

NanaDiana said...

Oh, Yea!!! That is a very good outcome. I love that you can hear nails clicking on the floor now...and somehow I think Wade "knows".
Have a wonderful night and enjoy every little sound (except any scary ones)..xo Diana

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

one of my friends when she got her cochlear implant, thought something was wrong with car - took it in, found it was just "car noise". Then she was out with her daughter and she had to take break, as it was overwhelming, when her daughter came back she said "a repeating dreadful noise" her daughter could see nothing until Mother said "that noise..." that noise turned out be innocent it was people wheeling supermarket trolleys past her to the carpark...when I heard all this - I started listening carefully to my daily noises and realised how much "you could miss" not just people talking to you or in the case of the man frying his eggs or Ann your Gibbs walking on wooden floor...

Marg said...

Great news. A whole other world being able to hear things. So glad you got that done. Have a good week end.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's so exciting. I wish my husband would follow through with his hearing aids. I understand what Wade was going through. ((Hugs))

Ida said...

Congrats on the hearing aids. I wish hubby would get them but finances just aren't there for him to do that. Repeating things all the time is frustrating. - I'm glad you get to hear things again.

Ann said...

Yes, I can see how it could get very overwhelming to all of a sudden hear so many things that you don't even know what the noise is

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