Thursday, February 21, 2019

Finish what you start

That's a phrase that I all too often ignore, especially when it comes to craft projects. I can't even begin to imagine how many projects I have started over the years only to move on to something else. Either I lose interest or mess something up and trash the project.

This is the makings of my most recent project. It's a paper bag journal or album, whichever you want to call it.

It may sit here or I may work on it soon. I started off pretty good with it the other day then lost momentum.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It is looking beautiful! But it does seem to be a lot of repetitious work...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the look of it. I am thinking your lack of ambiton stems from mindset, you are not you old self, Yet. so many pretty things in this photo. i think your creative spirit has to be in the moment. like when i write funny things, i can't just do it, it has to pop in my head, that goes for anything creative.

Kate said...

This is so pretty - perhaps it's something you will want to work on when/as the mood strikes. ^^

Lin said...

Oh, I know that problem first hand! I have a bunch of unfinished hand quilts....and I am making a real step at finishing them. I LOVE these bag scrapbooks/journals. They are so cute. I've seen them before in various sizes.

Grace said...

I find the ones on the left enchanting! I have nothing but admiration for you creative, imaginative people. I sigh with envy.

Donna said...

Well...Find that momentum thingy...those are cute!

suzyb said...

Nice papers for this project, I like what I see. I too am like you in the way that I start something and never get to finish cause I kinda get bored with it or whatever. I have three knitting projects on the go and a beautiful card waiting to be finished, which should I do first??? lol I can relate. Sometimes too, something else will pop up and I go oh my lets try that and again it sits. It will get finished but I would rather sooner than later. Too much "stuff" everywhere! Have a glorious day Ann. :)

Sandee said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. Very pretty. I know you love your crafts.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Being a craftsy person myself, I know exactly how you feel. Who knows how many projects I've started through the years and not finished. It's the hazard of being artistic, always wanting to create, create, create. Right now I have 'several' crocheted comfort blankets in the works in different colors, so that when I get tired of working in one color, I can switch to another.

Happy creating and work whenever you feel like it. I've never heard of this type of journal but love the look you've got going.


Hootin Anni said...

I think we've all been there. You wouldn't believe ALL my projects that have been trashed over the years.

Out on the prairie said...

You have found some nice illustrations let me know if you need photos of anything

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

what are your plans for the finished journal, maybe that's the problem "now I've made it what do I do with (insert whatever)" and "am I going to start using it now?" or "am I making to give away in (insert time)"

I recently finished a couple of years of an art program, where it wasn't always necessary to complete something, it was more about the process...YOU could use this idea & imagine that is why something ain't done :-)

As I sorted/tidied up my projects of that time, some definitely were sent off site - either the bin or finished up and sent along the way... but I also finished a few things, and was pleased with the outcome

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm with Catherine. For me it's the process that counts. And we appreciate your sharing what you've done, finished or not. Thank you!

Ann said...

yes and repetition usually is the cause of me losing interest

Ann said...

that's about the way it will go

Ann said...

I've been wanting to try one for a while and I've looked at different tutorials. Worst part is they all do them a little different so it's find something that works for me

Ann said...

I'm jut hoping I can get it at least close to completion

Ann said...

Thanks. I was going for a more vintage look and pulled things out of my stash. We'll see how far I get with this

Ann said...

Hopefully I'll at least get close to finishing

Ann said...

I used to have a box full of unfinished projects. I think I went through it and finished a couple and ditched the rest

Ann said...

thanks. I'll keep that in mind

Ann said...

Interesting idea. I never thought of it that way. I had no plans for this at all I just sort of decided to give it a try and started

Ann said...

I think sometimes the process is more fun that having a completed project

Reeni said...

Ooh I love those vintage cut-outs! I have problems finishing what I start too. Maybe inspiration will hit again.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I like the looks of it! I love Vintage.

Ann said...

I've always had a problem with finishing things. Old habits are hard to break

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