Thursday, July 18, 2019

Poor service

 I happen to have a couple packs of really cheap and rather disgusting hot dogs in my freezer. So when I bought the kind I liked I pulled out one of the cheap ones so that Gibbs could have hot dogs with me. If I cooked a hot dog for myself I made one for him too. Well apparently he got used to that.

Picture from

The other day I put 2 hot dogs on the grill for myself and 2 for Gibbs. When I eat I give him his bowl of food and in the meantime his hot dogs were sitting on the counter to cool. When I finished eating I went into the living room to chill on the couch for a while. Gibbs kept looking at me then running into the kitchen. I asked him what his problem was and he ran in the kitchen again. I followed him in there to see what he wanted. That's when I saw his hot dogs sitting on the counter and realized he wanted them cut up and put in his bowl. He's a pain in the butt but he's no dummy.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How smart!! Good for Gibbs!

Hootin Anni said...

He KNEW...and spoke! Or commanded. Dunno which.

Hootin Anni said...

Here's a question our lical news put up for viewer call in vote...

IS A HOT DOG A SANDWICH or HOT DOG? I said hot dog. Ask Gibbs, and he'd probably say none of the above...he'd say FOOD

Anonymous said...

LOL! Gibbs had every right to complain about the service...good thing he isn't a large dog or he would have gone for "self-serve"...:)jp

Rose said...

Oh, Gibbs is smart....but I always say that dogs are as smart as their owners allow them to be.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

POOR Gibbs, bad service and from your own MOM... you are one smart pup

FlowerLady Lorraine said...


Sandee said...

No, he's no dummy and that was a long time to wait for his hotdogs. I'm on Gibbs' side on this one.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and extra scritches to neglected Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

His nose and stomach are very wise indeed!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That sounds like a great way to enjoy the hot dogs...sharing! heehee! Enjoy your afternoon!

Ann said...

Yep, he had me that time

Ann said...

He commands me a
I've never called a hot dog a sandwhich and can't say that I've ever heard anyone else refer to one as a sandwhich either

Ann said...

I won't even try to defend myself here. Gibbs was right and I was wrong.

Ann said...

The whole thing just really cracked me up

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for Gibbs! :D

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's too cute!

Pam said...

They are so smart. It amazes me. Dakota will come get me at 2 to tell me it is lunch time. That is a schedule mom started with her dogs, Dakota included since I worked and he went to Doggie Day Care (granny's house)....He would also do to the gate about 10 mins before I would top the hill at her house and wait for me. Amazing how they have that internal clock.

Donna said...

Hahaaaa….sweet baby! And smart!

Buttercup said...

Gibbs has you trained! :)

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