Sunday, August 18, 2019

A whole lot of nothing

Yesterday after a slow start I headed out the door to get my glasses fixed. A week or so ago one of the leses fell out and I couldn't find the screw anywhere. The only reason it took me so long to go get them fixed is because it's a bit of a drive and I just haven't felt like going.

If I'm going to take the 30 minute drive I may as well make it worth the trip and I stop at Michaels, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby and a couple other stores I only go to when I'm over that way. A.C. Moore is inside the mall and while I was in there it started pouring. Rather than go out in the rain I figured I would walk through the mall until it let up.

With all the stores I went to I came home with only 1 thing.

Best of all I didn't even pay for it. This was absolutely free. While I was browsing through Yankee Candle the clerk told me to make sure to get my free car jar before I left. They were giving them out to everyone, no purchase required.


Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann what a lovely bonus,bet it smells nice in your car,wish we had those shops in Australia xx

CheerfulMonk said...

Neat! :D

Hootin Anni said...

I love freebies!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you shopped all day, got exercise and came home with a free gift. that is pretty good. I hope they fixed your glasses. I am allergic to candles, and can't go in the candle stores now.. I used to love to wander and sniff. now if I get close to one the sniffs are not mine but my allergy

crafty cat corner said...

What a great free gift. Yankee candles are the only one's I buy, they never disappoint.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It really is fun to get a free gift! I love those candles! Hope you have a nice day today!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about your glasses. I agree, if your going that far you might as well make the most out of the trip. I love your free gift. I like to use them around the house.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have a lot of restraint. These stores are some of my favorites, and on my regular shopping trips. I have been the all three in the last week! Which is your favorite?

Rose said...

That is cool to get something free! Seems like the only place i spend money is walmart and quilt shop or joannes..,

Rose said...

Oh, I like to make a trip count like that count.

Ann said...

gotta love a freebie

Ann said...

my favorite price

Ann said...

they do have the best scents

Ann said...

My favorite is a tie between AC Moore and Hobby Lobby. Michaels used to be but they've changed the store and now I don't care for it as much.

NanaDiana said...

I love that you got a free gift and I love that scent, too. I do the same thing- shop all at once--if I go at all.
I hope you have a great Sunday night- xo Diana

Pam said...

Oh yum....nothing better then a free gift. I love it.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

that's a great trip to take...maybe you need to go more :-)

Ann said...

I know, my favorite price is free :)

Ann said...

It's nice once in a while but I prefer to avoid the crowds and the traffic that you get there. Not to mention if I visited all those stores frequently I would spend too much money.

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