Sunday, August 11, 2019


Most days I feel happy and love life. Yesterday was not one of those days. I'm not looking for sympathy, it's just that this is what I have to write about. It was one of those days where I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'm irritated that I can't even find someone to hire to make some necessary repairs. Add to that the feeling of being totally alone in the world. I have friends at work but we don't socialize outside of work. I really have no family any more other than 2 children who have no time or desire to even call me. I've called them hoping it would jump start communication but after so many attempts and being ignored in between I've had enough.

Tomorrow the sun will rise and I will be past this but for today I will just let it be. I took a little stroll through Pinterest to find encouraging words.


CheerfulMonk said...

A beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your life, just telling us how it is. I love the quotes --- good for you for going to Pinterest.

crafty cat corner said...

The fact that you are able to write about it is a good thing Anne. I often wonder how I will cope if Tom goes before me. I don't have any real friends, I'm not that kind of person. I think that's why I love the internet, I can be friends with no strings. I have found in the past that friends are not always there for you when things go wrong.
As for kids, I have three but I don't think they would be much good and I certainly wouldn't want to hang on their coat tails.
Keep trucking Anne, tomorrow is a another day. Big Hug from uk

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Sorry you had a down day. I read your and brionys comment and thought I wonder how many of use there are with out friends except our internet friends. It has been many years since I went through what you're going through but I do remember how some days that deep down lonely feeling was really hard to Bear up under. I hope today when you wake up your way up and not still down. The same thing as in the comment I think about quite often if I would love to loan I will be just like you. I know that doesn't make you feel better but at least we know we're not the only ones

Grace said...

From what I read people your children's ages simply don't phone - they text. They are adults with their own busy lives, I'm told that is a factor. But children or no, we all have to build our own lives and man does that get harder with age. Feeling alone and lonely and forgotten - hoo-boy do I have a lock on that one, it is my constant companion. Advice - I have none, if I did I would take it myself. Empathy? I've got that - I do know how you feel.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Ann ~ these sorts of days will come the rest of our lives, off and on again. You found some great quotes to inspire you. ~ Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

Sandee said...

I'm sorry yesterday was such a bad day. I don't have any answers either. We get older and apparently we aren't very important when we're old. Oh well.

I hope today brings you some sunshine. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Pam said...

Ann~ it is so hard for me to suggest things to help with all this, you know I am dealing with some of the same things. Difference is I have always been social, my issues with that is that it has changed, I can't be near as social as I once was and I wished I still was. I have been not had that someone to lean on for sometime now. But that was my choice in getting a divorce. You lost that someone and it is really hard to manage on somedays. As for kids....they don't understand really why you are having these issues and I take it that they are still YOUNG and are trying to live their life. I talk to my daughter daily, sometimes more then once and we fb chat back and forth..Kids are in school and playing ball so I don't seem them often and they live over an hour away. I wished I could see them more but I have accepted that the grands, my daughter ....are living the life they are meant to live. My son, I saw in Jan when Mom past and I talk to him maybe 2 times a week from San Diego. I also was able to spend a week with him a yr ago in July. Here is what I would do but I think you tend to be more shy then me, it I liked a co worker I would see if they wanted to come over for tea, coffee or whatever. I know it is hard making friends but I so wish that for you. I am sorry for this comment being so long. I had a friend tell me a yr or so ago that I was a Light Worker. I had to look that up, basically I am fixer. And I hurt when others hurt like you did. What can I do for you?

Lin said...

its harder than ever to be with or contact others, everyone is so busy. my advice...if you want what i have learned. kids are busy and they hate phone calls. we have a required check in call once a everyone knows all parties are alive and well. it can just be a 3 minute call. from there...text them. they can respond from mostly anywhere. make it light...funny...or just a "i am thinking of u" or "i am blue today"

see if you can find a social outlet locally. how about a book club at the library...or a craft workshop. could teach one! you have to find a way to be with others and insert yourself. that is what my painting class is...more for social than anything.

hope u are feeling better today.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((HUGS)) I wrote about being down today too. I feel for you because I know that it must be hard being alone after a husband passes away. I certainly wouldn't want to face what you've been facing. My whine is nothing compared to yours. Actually there are other things keeping me down but I haven't posted about them. Praying for you and I know that tomorrow is a new day!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so very sorry. I am sure lots of us can sympathize with your family situation, too. I am wondering, maybe a church family could be a help? I had thought that Presley is your granddaughter, but maybe I am wrong there? I don't think you ever said? All of our kids are just so busy these days, and I think just don't realize how much we still need their contact. And all they do is text. Anne Marie told me that she felt is was very weird to actually call a person; she never does. Blessings to you Ann. People don't know what a wonderful person they are missing out on!

Connie said...

Ann, my heart goes down to you. Maybe it's time to take a step in a new direction . . . seek out a venture for making new friends. Senior center, artist clubs, church groups, somewhere in your town where there might be other women going through, or that hopefully will have been down your lonesome road and come to a place of friendship and community. Oh, what do I know about it? Until I've walked in your shoes, I have no idea what you're going through. I too, worry about what the future has ahead for lonely days and unsure circumstances.
Try your very best to keep yourself in a positive mood. You, sweet friend are in my prayers.

Hootin Anni said...

I wasn't online much this weekend. I find today I have no energy. I DO HOPE today you're up & feeling chipper...I think we all understand family. As someone said here...they don't realize what they're missing not having you in their lives.

Ann said...

I hesitated posting it because I hate to sound whiney but it's what I had. Besides, all of you are my biggest support network.

Ann said...

I suppose you are right. Friends are not something I make easily, never have although I wish I could. I'm like you, my friends are on the internet. Suprisingly I have found my blog pals to be more supportive and encouraging than people I know personally.
With my children I might ask them for help but if I only ask once. I don't want to be a nag.

Ann said...

Yes, that is what both my daughter and son do, text instead of phone but they don't even bother to text me any more. I know they're busy but it irritates me that they can make time for their father or their other halfs family. I'm feeling sort of left out.
The lonely thing is ok most of the time. I've always been a bit of a loner but every now and then it hits me that there is no one.

Ann said...

Thanks. At least the days like that don't happen often

Ann said...

Your comment alone helped me Pam and I appreciate it.I guess I feel left out with my kids because they make time for their other halfs family but can't take the time to even text me once in a while. When I've said something I get the "I'm always working or I'm tired"

Ann said...

Thanks Lin, yes I am feeling better today. I've tried the texting the kids and I think my problem is just that I'm tired of being the only one who makes an effort.
As for the social thing, I would love to join a class or something but this is such a small town with very little going on. I think most people around here are more into hanging out in the bars and that's not my thing. I've seen classes offered in the next town over but they are always at the most inconvenient time and day.

Ann said...

Yes, Presley is my granddaughter. It's an odd situation really. My son and I have not been close for a very long time and hadn't even spoken for several years up until the day that Wade passed away.

Ann said...

Yes, I am feeling much better today. All of you have a way of making me feel a whole lot better.

Marg said...

Know the feeling Ann. So sorry you are having a hard time. It is very hard to reach out but just know you will get through this too. Just hang in there. Things will get better. Hope you have a good week.

Rick (Ratty) said...

I feel like this sometimes myself because I've been in a similar situation for years now. I just learn to love being alone. I started a business to occupy my time and to get to know new people, which is why I've not been blogging as frequently. It's not as hard as you might think to have a job and a business at the same time, and you really have no time for negative thoughts.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Love the quotes...

Rose said...

Ann, just now reading this...inoften wonder how people li es real lives are because we are afraid to let our real.lives show. I bet we would be amazed at the people that share our lonely feelings. I do not have friends in Indiana...I thought at one time I did but found out if I didnt do the driving and make the effort, there was no contact. I could go on about two or three others, but wont. Weekends are killers, as well as all holidays...I just absolutely hate them. I will hush. I know we are new blog friends, but sometimes feel like I have known you forever.

Ann said...

Thanks Marg

Ann said...

Most of the time I'm perfectly fine with being alone. But you are right, if you keep busy there isn't time for negative thoughts

Ann said...

I'm a bit of a quote junkie

Reeni said...

I hate to hear you're feeling this way! I think we all get down from time to time. Wish I had some words of wisdom to pass along but for now here's a big HUG!!

Ann said...

Aw, thanks. I appreciate the hug. These days don't happen often and in the grand scheme of things my troubles are small in comparison to others. I guess that would be one of the reasons that I get over days like this so quickly

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