Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 I thought today I would answer some questions from yesterdays post.

Ginny asked how long until I can retire. I have a few years to go yet. I'll be 59 in March.

Anni asked if I had any vacation coming. I get 3 weeks every year and so far this year I've taken 1 day. Normally I take ALL my vacation but last year and this year we have been so short of people that I haven't really been able to. If I asked for it he would give it to me but I just don't feel right taking the time off when we are all stretched so thin.

Martha and Andrea both mentioned in their comments that "That's what friends are for" so it made me think of another song.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks for answering our nosey questions, friend!

CheerfulMonk said...

Take care! I worry that you will be so conscientious that you hurt your health working so hard. It sucks that your boss can't find more help to hire.

Hootin Anni said...

Take some time off for your well-being! You can work if you're in the hospital with stress related health issues.

Hootin Anni said...

...that should read can't instead of can

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love that harmonica. I don't think I've ever mentioned that my dad played the harmonica. Love the song 2. How would you like to trade age haha. If you retired what would you do all day if you took your vacation what would you do all day? Maybe you could get him to pay you for the three weeks and spend it on something fun or take 3 days and get paid for the rest and go somewhere phone

Rose said...

Wow...that is not much time off! I know it is hard to fine people that will work sometimes. That sure makes it hard.

Sandee said...

You're 10 years younger than I am. I'm sorry you can't take a vacation. We all need to get away. You're a great employee though.

I love the video.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that song! And in your are so young still! I have 2 sons that are in their 50s! lol Enjoy your day!

Forsythia said...

I hope you can find some way to get the time off that you need.

Martha said...

Great song! Maybe you could take a long weekend or something at least to hold you over.

Jeanette said...

I was that way with my job for a long time, too! Always trying to be considerate of my stretched too thin coworkers. No one else seemed to care and all I got for my effort was extreme burn out!

Pam said...

I understand about you not wanting to take off right now but you also need to think about need a day or two off in a roll to hang and do your own thing.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes you do have a ways to go. You definitely want to wait until you can get Medicare. Hang in there. Another great song.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

here in regular businesses, you have no choice but to take holidays if you've accrued too much leave time. I would love to see you take off somewhere for a week or more, where you are pampered and can do a little crafting or walk daily through a meditative kind of forest or similar.

My Tata's Cottage said...

You need days off for your own good health. I worked with a gal who the ins. co. we worked for said no one could do her job but her! She lost her eyesight and waited too long to get medical care and had to take an early retirement in her early 50's for disability. Guess what? SOmeone else learned the job by winging it! I worry about my hubby like this too. He works with one lady and she is thinking of retiring soon. They have some back up but when it comes to the filings for court the two of them are trained on it and only their supervisor can do their job too. It is sad but often they can not find qualified people. We seem to be living in an age when people say let someone else pay for your education, your housing etc. and that is all of us who worked hard and paid taxes and still pay taxes! Very sad. Get your days off because your body and soul needs time to reconnect. You will feel better too!

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