Friday, September 4, 2020

Change of pace

We are really short handed at work right now and when someone doesn't show up we are forced to work with even fewer people. 
Yesterday i hung up my bakery apron and played cashier for the day
It's not bad once in a while but I would hate to do it all the time.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would think that working in the bakery is a lot better.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you don't have to do it all the time. I worry about you having to work too hard.

The Feminine Energy said...

My son was a cashier for quite awhile at our locally owned grocery store... and some days, even at his young age, he would come home POOPED OUT! And oh, those coupons!!! I hope you're back in the bakery soon, Ann. Love, Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

I wouldn't want that job.

Martha said...

Glad you got a little change of pace but hope it doesn't happen too often!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't tell anyone, but i have never been a cashier because I struggle to count back change. my mind short circuits on it. i hate handling money in any form, like accounting or change making. but then again if i did the baking, the store might have to closed down. ha ha... i think all the business are going through the same thing, with employees I mean

Sandee said...

You are completely stuck when your working the till. In the bakery you can move around at will. I see the difference.

Have a fabulous day off tomorrow, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I totally understand. Glad that's over!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

yep, once in a while - it the key...

I worked as first 3rd in command cashier and then as head cashier in the UK when I was still not quite an adult. I think I preferred the underling as when I got to be "it" and I had this know-it-all part timer who spent a lot of time telling me what to do and then if and it was just about every one of her shifts she wouldn't follow the procedures - she would waltz off after her shift and I would have rectify it all!

Jeanette said...

Yes, it is nice to do something different for a change!

Rose said...

I wondered which you liked best...which goes faster? And do you get many hateful customers?

Ann said...

Ginny, I'm comfortable in the bakery since I've been there forever but it's actually harder work

CheerfulMonk, I wouldn't want to do it all the time but it is a nice break now and then

Andrea, I don't think I got a single coupon the entire day.

Anni, the worst part is if there are no customers. It gets incredibly boring

Sandee, That is absolutely true.

Catherine we have a lot of those know it all part timers. New on the job and they think they know everything

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