Sunday, September 27, 2020

No purpose

 Just a short post today to say I am here but I have nothing to say. Other than when I go to work I really feel like I have no purpose. I have no desire to do anything. Even the crafting seems pointless. I spent my day off dragging. Today I have a reason to get up and get moving. Oh and people to talk to as well. 


CheerfulMonk said...

It may be that you're working so hard you need to relax and recover when you're at home. I hope you can find some fun things to do that don't take much energy while you recharge. I'm glad you have a job that includes interacting with people.

CheerfulMonk said...

PS Thank you for checking in with us.

crafty cat corner said...

I understand exactly what you are saying Anne. I often think this about my life and that is usually when I refrain from blogging for a bit.
You have even more reason having lost your husband.
My cats do give me a sort of purpose as they need to be looked after and fed but sometimes even with having Tom by my side I still have that thought of not having a real purpose.
All I can say is that in my case it does pass and I eventually get my mind right again.
I often say to Tom, 'what is the purpose of me making these things' and he says that I get pleasure from making them, but he's a different type from me and is 'despite his illness' a more positive person.
It will pass I'm sure.

Hootin Anni said...

So many things you could do ...start a journal, go for drives, take Gibbs for walks (get fresh air instead of cooling up indoors)...find Autumn colors, rearrange furniture in the entire house. Get energized & you'll find MORE energy & not feel sport for yourself...that is not meant to be mean...just a friend helping a friend. Book clubs, volunteering at a senior center, read to kids at a day care. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Hootin Anni said...

cooling should be cooping

Hootin Anni said...

Dang...'nother typo. Not feel sport should be not feel sorry

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking work is just what you need, time home alone makes you feel worse. you need People Contact, not laying around. I get the craft is pointless, I have been feeling like blogging is pointless, and because of depression don't want to read, tryed to watch a Reese Witherspoon movie could not stand to watch it, don't want to blog or read or do anything... mine is dog related, your is widowhood. that might not be a word. but you know i know how you feel. the pandemic has changed our world and your world changed when Wade died, you are still trying to find a new normal in a nothing is normal world... there is NO CHARGE for my psychiatricst annalist abilities. LOVE YOU

Rose said...

Life is hard sometimes...and i don't have a single word of wisdom. I know the feeling of what is the use...I just try to not dwell on it but it sure is hard. I even feel like a fake sometimes because I seldom let on in my blog about how I am really feeling. At least you are honest.

Kate said...

I can relate - been there, done that. Don't despair and make yourself do something - anything that will be a change of pace and bring you some pleasure - take your camera and shoot some beautiful photos (you take beautiful photos), this is in your hands. Hugs my friend and hang in there. ♥

Martha said...

I have no words of wisdom but I do know that many people feel that way right now. This has been a horrible and depressing year. I'm glad you still checked in with us.

Jeanette said...

Thanks for checking in! I hope you had nice time whatever you did. Hang in there! This too shall pass.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well you are important to all of us! I think a lot of what you are feeling is related to Covid and our changed world.

Lin said...

I post once a week lately because....well...I'm boring. I have no stories to tell. This new life of ours is hard. We work and stay home and find things to do or find new things on TV to watch. It's hard to deal with on some days. Harder on those who live alone, I think. I know my son struggles with going crazy in his apartment.

Hang tough. No need to post everyday...unless you want to. And it's okay not to be okay.

The Feminine Energy said...

There's a lot to be said for "having a purpose" such as going to work. Nothing wrong with that, Ann. My son works with an 87-year-old woman who works in housekeeping at the casino. He admires her so much because she's so spry & chipper. If working puts a spring in your step and some purpose to your days, nothing wrong with that, girl. Enjoy! ~Andrea xoxo

The Feminine Energy said...

PS~ I shouldn't have said my son "works with" the woman.... he works at the same place he does, in other words. :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

It sounds like you are getting depressed. Maybe a doctor visit?

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

apparently it's a world wide "thing" people are sick and tired of the whole Pandemic mess. One step forward and more than 3 back. And no doubt with your work life, even if it means you talk with people - it's hard going.

We are all getting a tad tired...maybe just plodding along with what we think we should do to be safe. I know that I've had to make a heap of changes, that seem to mean "stay home, stay local" when all I want to do some days is either stay under the covers or run away...

two people today asked me "do you sell your art?" and I used to but now I seem to be just making for no apparent reason. Today not making actual art but rather making materials...not sure why :-)

Pam said...

I am sorry you are feeling this way. It sucks and I hate it when I feel this way. I hope that you get to feeling better with more pep soon.

peggy said...

That's exactly how most of us feel. Let's perk up this Monday morning.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear, dear Ann ~ you are still adjusting to life without your husband, as am I, even after almost 8 years. This time of isolation, especially without our spouses just makes us miss this even more. I've been out 8-9 times since March, to get groceries and then once out to lunch with two friends. ~ I'm glad you've been able to still work and see people as that does help. I've also felt the 'no purpose' feelings, but the Bible tells me God does have a plan, so I am trusting in Him to show me and lead me.

The heat and humidity of summer keeps me mostly inside, I am so ready for cooler weather and to hopefully get caught up on the overgrowth in my garden spaces.

I've been working on a crocheted baby blanket and that has been a joy to make.

Gibbs brings a spark of life and joy into your life, as does your family. Just take each day as it comes and looks for the good, the beautiful and choose joy.

Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

My Tata's Cottage said...

I think we have all had those days and I truly understand. I was looking at Fall decorating in a store and was talking to a younger gal. She said my husband says I can only have one tube of decorations for each holiday. I smiled but in my head, I said, you have not bene married very long have you? HaHaHa!
I try to find something simple to feel good about. For instance a blog friend shared a Scripture that made me smile and I too shared it. Than someone said I am so happy that Fall feels like Fall. I said me too, very grateful for it! I Like to pass along a smile or a simple thought because we all go through difficult days. I hope the rest of your week is filled with many blessings and happy people wherever you do. HUGS across the miles. XO

bichonpawz said...

Hi there Ann! I completely understand...many of us feel the very same way. I hope Gibbs can cheer you up and perhaps maybe give your dr a call just to let him know how you are feeling. Sending hugs💜💜

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