Sunday, September 13, 2020


 I heard this song the other day for the first time. I've always liked Kenny Rogers but none of his songs had me bawling my eyes out like this one did. I loved it. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I've never heard it before. It's pretty, and the video is beautiful.

CheerfulMonk said...

I can understand why you would cry...I have trouble saying goodbyes too. Andy and I are both aware that something could happen to either of us any time now, leaving a big hole in the other one's life, so we're making the most of the time we have left. Hopefully that will make the final goodbye easier. It's not easy.

The Feminine Energy said...

I don't want to cry right now so I didn't listen... but I intend on going back to it. Have you ever heard "When I'm Gone" by Joey & Rory Feek? Oh my word... that's another one! ~Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

there are so many songs that can get my water works flowing...this is one of them. My dad and I were very close...when he died, and I was driving home from his house (and dealing with the coroner), the radio played a M. Bolton song HOW am I Supposed to Live Without You? I had to pull over and bawl for what seemed like forever. We all agree tho, crying may not bring anyone back, but it helps heal us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful, my first time hearing it. now i am wondering why? always loved Kenny. hugs and love coming your way via the NET.. love you

Rose said...

Oh, I could not listen to it all...I have always been one to cry over music, and it became a lot worse after Rigers stroke. When it first happened, almost any song set me off. Now not all music sets me off but still a whole lot does. Theme music to certain shows we have loved to watch even makes me feel like crying.just a few notes from them...and then I heard Dolly Parton singing I Will Always Love one does it like her. And it just made me bawl like a baby. I loved it back in high school when it first came out.

Kate said...

A tear-jerker for sure. I've not heard this one before. Thanks for sharing even though my eye glasses are a mess now. ^^

Sandee said...

Big healing hugs, Ann. ♥

Martha said...

Well now it made me cry too!

Grace said...

I saw this on FB and thought it a lovely song...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It is so beautiful. I've never really followed Kenny Rogers music. Thank you for sharing. ((Hugs))

BeadedTail said...

Lovely song. I loved Kenny Rogers.

Ann said...

Ginny, I thought so too

CheerfulMonk The older we get the more aware we become of how short life is. Goodbye is never easy though.

Andrea, I can understand that. I had never heard that song you mentioned so I went to youtube to check it out. I cried again. ;)

Anni, same here. Daddy can you see me is another one that gets me every time. Also years ago when my father was in the ICU following an accident, it was a Michael Bolton song that came on the radio on my way home from the hospital one day that deeply touched me and to this day reminds me of that time.

Sandee, than you

Grace, I thought so too.

BeadedTail, I've always been a Kenny Rogers fan.

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