Saturday, November 7, 2020

Snow is a 4 letter word

Monday November 2nd I woke up to this.

Gibbs didn't seem to mind too much when he went out for his morning constitutional.

Looking out the front window I will admit that it is pretty but I didn't have to go out in it. Tuesday morning I'll feel differently.    


Connie said...

Looks like you are getting an early winter . . . Brrrrrrrrrr!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How cool, in both senses of the word. It snowed when you don't have to go out!!

CheerfulMonk said...

It makes a big difference when we don't have to go out in it! Take care and stay warm.

roughterrain crane said...

Hello. I found your blog. I like to see snowfall in the morning. It have not snowed in my area yet.
Happy weekend to you.

Hootin Anni said...

Nasty stuff! Gibbs has the right idea about what to do with snow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yikes, heat is also a four letter word. here we are in HOT November and Eta the hurricane is headed in our way.. it is pretty, maybe it will melt before you go out in it today

Pam said...

Yep, tis the season, for those more north then me. We are having 70 degree temps with no humidity and it is amazing! Loving it and soaking it in before the COLD sets in. Pretty sure that we will have no snow. That seems to be a thing of the past for us.

Martha said...

Ugh, seems way too soon for that!

Forsythia said...

Might be gone by Tuesday.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh man!!!! We haven't had that white stuff yet... at least none that stuck, anyway. But our time is coming! For today it's 70 and we'll take it! ~Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, it's too early for snow!

Ann said...

Ginny, very

CheerfulMonk, yes it sure does

roughterrain, thanks for stopping by. Love to get new visitors.

Anni, LOL yes, he sure does

Pam, I know it has to come but I'm never ready for it when it does

Cynthia, it was

Andrea, this was all gone by the end of the day.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We got 3 inches last week and it melted in a day or so. This weekend it's been near 70 every day!!!...:)jp

Rose said...

It is definitely too early for snow!

Ida said...

I agree it is a 4 letter word! - Dogs don't seem to mind it though (crazy things). So check back tomorrow for my post.

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