Wednesday, November 3, 2021

I'm so not ready for this.

 I never got to see it, but I heard there were snowflakes flying around yesterday morning. According to the weather report we could get somewhere around an inch between today and tomorrow. It will be pretty to look at for about two seconds and then I'll have had enough.

I suppose if you're a snowman, this is pretty exciting news.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I can imagine how you feel about it, since you have to drive in it, and clean off your car and walkway! It's much more beautiful when someone elase does all this work.

Hootin Anni said...

Nope,nope, nope. Not me.
Cute snowman tho.

The Feminine Energy said...

Oh gawd, here it comes! :-/ Didn't we just say how happy we were that all the snow had melted??!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

think of it this way, if you lived in Florida your snowman collection would be ODD.. ha ha... hope it is a short sweet and gone snow

Rose said...

It's always exciting to.get long as I dont have to.go.anywhere.

Jeanette said...

There were snowflakes off and on around here yesterday, too! I'm not every ready for snow so I hope it stays away for at least the rest of this month!

Sandee said...

It doesn't snow here, but I've vacationed in snow country. It's pretty, but I hear you, I don't want to live in snow country.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Beside a babbling brook... said...

2nd blogger i'v read, with snow flakes!!!!

🍁 🍎 🍁 🍎 🍁

Connie said...

I drove in the rain last night coming home from a meeting at church. I do not like driving at night or specially in the rain at night, because of the glare on the road. As I was driving I started thinking that we get an average of 6 inches of rain a year in our part of the country and we didn't have any all summer and only a bit in the spring, so I'm hoping it keeps raining and our weather stays above freezing while the rain comes down. It's very hard when you live alone and there is snow to shovel, especial for you. When you're not retired and you have an early morning job to get to shoveling snow can be a true burden.
I hope this comment finds you in good health, stay warm sweet friend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh no, way too soon for snow!!

DeniseinVA said...

Goodness, way too soon and hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble. Real pretty looking out of a window when you are all snug at home, but not so pretty when you have to drive in it.

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