Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 I skipped posting yesterday because the only thing I had in my head was something very whiney and  would have just been a big old pity party for me. I just didn't want to go there. 

I suppose today isn't going to much better. I found this on Facebook yesterday.

I read this and thought, sometimes? For me it's more like most times. The pictures I see fade before they ever fully develop. I'm not looking for sympathy, just stating fact. In some cases, I know that it's been a matter of me not putting enough effort in to achieve what I wanted. When pictures include other people though, there are things that are beyond my control.

Don't worry, I'm not a total lost cause. I do try and find joy. I think it's easier on days when I go to work though. Then, I'm surrounded by people. On my days off, I'm totally alone and have way too much time to think. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think that on the days you believe you are whining, it helps others to know they are not alone! Sometimes, trying to portray on a blog that everything is always perfect just isn't real life!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ditto on Ginnys comment, could just copy and paste it here. there are pros and cons to living alone and one of the worst of the cons is being alone on days off. a house seems quiter and bigger when just one person is in it. wish I could be close enough to help you spend your alone time..

Rose said...

I think at least you are honest....I know I dont portray my honest feelings so much if the time. Sometimes life is such a struggle.

The Feminine Energy said...

I agree with Ginny 100% too, Ann. Just type your thoughts, no matter what they are, because that's life for you that day. I do. We will love you regardless and besides, we all know you're definitely NOT a whiner!

I had a lady friend who lived next-door many years ago, in our former house. She was retired so she didn't have a job to go to... but she always at least went to the McDonald's two blocks away, for a cup of coffee. She'd sit in a booth with her coffee and her newspaper. She always said that when she got home, she felt much better "mentally" for having been out. On your days off work, perhaps that would work for you too. Love ya~ Andrea xoxo

Sandi said...

What is it you want?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I agree with everyone too...we need to encourage each other, it helps us get by. It's hard to figure out a different life when you lose someone and feel like you are starting all over. It's hard...just plain hard. Hugs, Diane

Jeanette said...

I seem to have spent my whole life (especially after I had kids) stressing about stuff that is completely out of my control! It's not easy!

Sandee said...

I'm sure I would feel the same way if Zane wasn't with me. I get it Ann. I get it.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Martha said...

I agree with the others. I'm sure it's really hard when you are there all alone. Feel free to whine, vent, whatever you need. Friends will be there for you during those times, and it sometimes makes you feel better just to get it out too!

Forsythia said...

In our culture, we emphasize the positive, but maybe too much. I think it's OK to acknowledge our regrets and disappointments and not try to hide them behind a "happy face."

Hootin Anni said...

We love you here in blogland.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree with that statement. It can be hard to move past our feelings. Believe me I should probably be sitting in a psychiatrists office every week. I've been depressed for years and just push forward each day but I'm not getting anywhere. Yes your job is a good thing for you. I left my job because I couldn't do it anymore with my COPD. I do however tell myself each day that I must push myself to find happiness in the things around me. You take care.

betty said...

Like others said, it is good to get it out sometimes. I have written blog posts and then deleted them before posting. That sometimes helps to make me feel a bit better. Your weather does nothing right now to make anyone feel in a good mood.


Beside a babbling brook... said...

A picture-perfect life, or home, or blog... Is not true! No life is without its Crap-O-La.

So if it will help, to share such things, then share-away.

If it won't, then that's another story.

Each blogger is different. Some share more of the real Crap, than others. When I say REAL, I mean a lot more than my weather Grumblings and etc.

When I have said that Jan. and now Feb., are full of Crap, I have not detailed it. My choice. Just my choice.

Lots and lots and lots of gentle hugs...

😷 👦 😷 👧 😷
Masks and Kids

CheerfulMonk said...

Loneliness sucks. Andy and I don’t spend much time together, but we both agree, when something happens to one of us the other will have a huge hole in their heart. I like the idea of going to a McDonalds or another place with people around. Either join some activity or do my blogging someplace where I’m not completely alone.

Maybe do a search on loneliness for suggestions? You have plenty of company…a lot of people feel the same way. Good luck! We love you and are rooting for you. ❤️

CrystalChick said...

I understand, Ann. I overthink pretty much everything. I'm glad you have work to ease some of the harder days. And blog friends!

DeniseinVA said...

I agree with Ginny's comment too Ann. We are here for you :)

seyha said...
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