Wednesday, February 9, 2022

You're all awesome.

First of all I want to thank all of you for your sweet comments yesterday. You guys are just the best.

Now how about some funny stories.

Let's start with spelling. Kelly in the deli is an intelligent woman but she can't spell to save her life. She'll be the first one to tell you that she just cannot spell. The other day she was writing the soup of the day on the chalkboard. She asked me how to spell noodle. I spelled it for her and she said "I was thinking it was with a u but  that didn't sound right." I started laughing and I told her that if she spelled it with a u then it would be a naked piece of pasta.

Now that I've picked on Kelly how about I tell you a funny story about me. I rarely wear my glasses while I'm at work because they just bother me. I often take them off and set them on the shelf. Yesterday I had had them up on top of my hat. A little later on I was looking for them they weren't on my head, they weren't on the shelf and I said to Kelly I can't find my glasses anywhere. She looked at me and said they're on your face. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. I'm still laughing as I type this.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Too funny, they were right on your face! I would imagine that the oven would steam them up all the time. I can see where they would be too much trouble to wear at work.

CheerfulMonk said...

The story about the glasses sounds like me. 😊❤️

Hootin Anni said...

That's good you have a super co-worker!! Your search for the phantom eye-wear had you blind to the fact you had them on!!!? How funny.

Rose said...

These are funny...I love the nudle-naked piece of pasta line. Roger cannot spell either, and the older I get, the more I have to check. And we wont even think.anout what comes from my phone types.

Martha said...

Both really funny, but especially you with the glasses on! My husband isn't a great speller and he never uses punctuation either which results in some pretty funny stuff. Have you ever done the one where you are talking on the phone while getting ready to walk out the door to go somewhere and running all over the house to try to find your phone before you leave? That one is me, have done it several times lol!

Sandee said...

I'm glad you have a fun co-worker to keep each other amused.

I'm happy you had so many wonderful comments yesterday. You're not alone, Ann.

Have a fabulous day. Big hug to you and lot of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am giggling with you about your glasses, and howling out loud with laughter thinking of naked nuudles. ha ha. I wonder if Kellie is good with math. My dad and brother were good at math but neither could spell, mama and me were spellers but not math. My brother has a couple of degrees and still can't spell. I used to be proud that I could and he could not but now in my senior moments often find I can't remember how to spell a simple word. like the word rhymne kills me everytime. see what i mean? lol

Grace said...

Yeah, I've done the same glasses thing...

Beside a babbling brook... said...


Have never heard of someone, whose glasses were on, not be able to find them. This is a first, for me. -giggggggles-

Gentle hugs...

betty said...

Those were sweet comments left. Blogging has such a wonderful community! Lol with the noodle spelling but I can see how Kelly came out with it since you can hear the U Sound in it. Great laugh too about the glasses!! A good laugh can be a blessing to one's mood.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

You're welcome!
Those are two funny stories from work.

Connie said...

One day many years ago, I found my glasses in the frig . . . I couldn't really tell you if I put them there or if Steve or our daughter was playing a joke on me. I still don't know :)

CrystalChick said...

Naked pasta!! LOL
I've totally done the... where's my glasses and they are on my face one!!
You have a good sense of humor. :)

DeniseinVA said...

This made me smile Ann, about the noodle and about your glasses. I can relate to that. I have two pairs of reading glasses and found that I had two pairs on my head one day, and I was looking for a pair to wear! I also had a friend whose job it was to print out menus. I worked in a small British tearoom years ago. Anyhow she transposed some letters on the menu that made something on there a very rude word. Problem was she had already printed out 200 menus. I don't think our boss let her forget it, and teased her every time we had to print out menus.

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