Friday, October 28, 2022

Fish story

Today I'm going to make a quick jump back to the day Amanda and I went to Kraynaks. When we were walking through the store we were looking at all the ornaments and there was a bunch of fish sitting in this one display. I'm assuming they were there to appeal to someone who wanted a fish themed Christmas tree. I picked one up and Amanda took a picture Then she told me but don't make that face. Well if you know me you know that only made me want to make a worse faceAnd this last one because I just couldn't help myself


Ginny Hartzler said...

The middle one is my favorite, you are hilarious!! WHO would want something so very UN-Christmassy?

CheerfulMonk said...

I love it! Hurray for you!

MadSnapper said...

i laughed harder at the last one, and all 3 say what i would feel about a fish on a christmas tree. my cousin once comissioned my to make 40 butterlies for her and she made a 2 foot tall Butterflie Christmas tree. it was beautiful. can you believe I did that?

Grace said...

Fun and funny...

Hootin Anni said...


Jeanette said...

Ha ha! I like the last one!

Lori said... the pictures. I don't know why anyone would want that ugly fish.

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahahahaha. You crack me up.

Have a fabulous day off tomorrow. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are cute photos. I wouldn't want that fish on my tree!

HappyK said...

That's a new one. Fish on a tree!!
Thanks for making me laugh with your expressions. :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's funny! I love having fun when I'm out and about! What a fishy story!

Connie said...

Fun post, but don't you think that they would make an adorable tree in a cabin on a lake somewhere :)

betty said...

I like the faces you made! Very expressive!! How funny with the fish though. Not sure I would enjoy a fish oriented tree :)


Ida said...

What a fun series of shots. I like your sense of humor.

DeniseinVA said...

LOL! You had me laughing with those expressions Ann. I would have been right there with you :)

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