Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Oh deer

Is it too early in the year to start procrastinating already?
 I purchased these napkins before Christmas thinking that I could use them on a craft project. As with most craft projects I plan, I never got around to doing them. I'm thinking though that if I put this on a wood block it would look nice in the Ann cave.

I've already started thinking about what craft projects I want to do this year. I wonder how many I'll never get around to doing this year.

I did manage to fill a box with stuff to send to the trash. So at least I've made an attempt to declutter.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This one fits right in with the Ann Cave. And you could keep it out all year, too

CheerfulMonk said...

I like having a Possibility List. Plenty of ideas for things to do if I get inspired, but no pressure if I don't do any of them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like what careful monk said. And I think it would be really pretty on a wooden block

Donna said...

It's a beautiful deer...wood block is a good idea.

Hootin Anni said...

First off...those are napkins?!! Pretty. Perhaps plastic coated & coasters?

Sandee said...

I love your crafts and I also get the procrastination part. I can do that very well. Beautiful napkin.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

DeniseinVA said...

I love your deer napkins and that's a great idea. Decluttering is big on my agenda this year. Now, hopefully, I will be able to get started. Spirit is willing, lol!

Connie said...

Once you take down the tree, all kinds of rearranging and clearing out and organizing projects start getting done (or at least started, LOL). Those are the things that I'm doing too.
I love that napkin and it is cabin style more than Christmas. I'm sure that you will come up with a great craft. Looking forward to seeing what you do.

HappyK said...

Such a good feeling to get things uncluttered.
Like those deer napkins.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think you are making great progress so far this year. Yes, it will look awesome in your Ann Cave!

Lori said...

It's only day three...you got this!!

Rose said...

That is a beautiful.deer and would look good anywhere. I have been decluttering for years. You would not believe all the stuff that has been donated or completely trashed...though the trashed amount is not even close to the amount donated.

The Happy Whisk said...

That sounds very cool to put the deer on wood. I'm soon to start candle making. Just for fun.

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