Sunday, January 22, 2023

Recycling project

Yesterday I decided to throw together a quick gift using an old peanut butter jar. Yes, I buy the cheap generic peanut butter. I'm not choosy so I don't choose Jif.

I filled the jar with 1 2 3 cake mix. Made a label using the print and cut feature on my cricut and then applied it to the jar along with a direction label.

I also purchased a cheap set of measuring spoons. I only needed the tablespoon one so I took the ring from the set and glued it to the lid to hang the measuring spoon from. 

Then I finished off the gift with these ramekin dishes I found at Dollar Tree. They are the perfect size for making the cake. I had tried to use ones that I already had but they were a little too small. You can also just make this in a coffee cup.

If you've never heard of 1 2 3 cake, it's an angel food cake mix (must be the kind that only has one bag in the mix. If it has 2 bags it won't work) and one other kind of cake any kind. You mix the two together and store in an airtight container. To make it you mix 3 Tbs of the cake mix, 2 Tbs of water and microwave for 1 minute. Sometimes I add some chocolate chips or a little bit of peanut butter. It's a quick little dessert. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cute gift! I have never heard of this little cake, it is so cool!! I may have to try it.

DeniseinVA said...

What a great idea! Like Ginny said, it would make a cute gift.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have not heard of this mix, but have 3 different recipes for making a cake in a mug. I adusted one and use gluten free flour and sweet n low for sugar, not as good but helps my sweet tooth. I have always bought Jif but in 2020 it disapeared and i had to buy this one and it is good, bob still prefers jifm but we have 3 jars of this so he will be eating it for a long time

Donna said...

Ahhh! This is a different mix! Sounds good! What a cute gift!
And no...having lunch out with a daughter doesn't count...Lololol
I should have said, "no blood relations allowed",,,Lolol

Grace said...

Well ain't that just the most clever and thoughtful thing ever. Love that you attached the measuring spoon to the jar - Damn, girl you are so clever and creative.

Lori said...

Such a cute gift idea. I love it.

Rose said...

That is a great gift and one that will give lasting pleasure.

HappyK said...

Ive not heard of this either. What a great idea for a gift!!! or for a quick snack for yourself!!

Hootin Anni said...

Clever idea

CheerfulMonk said...

That's a great idea. I'm not a cake eater but I would love to try making it.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is a really cute gift you made. I haven't heard of that but it will be fun to try it.

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