I bet you didn't know that I live in a gated community. I have gates everywhere in my house to keep Gibbs from wandering and getting himself in trouble.
First there is the gate that confines him to the part of the basement where he spends his day while I'm at work. He also sleeps here at night because he can't be trusted in my bedroom. This keeps him out of the Ann cave
There is also another gate there to keep him from going over to the other part of the basement. If I let him have access to that part he will lift his leg on every single thing that sits over there.
Next up is the newest gate that keeps him from going all the way into the Ann cave while I'm on my computer. If I'm not paying close enough attention to him, he would lift his leg on things here as well. While I'm busy on the computer he will go over in his section and lay on his bed and be a good boy.
Then there is the gate that keeps him from going upstairs while we are in the Ann cave watching tv. This is mostly needed for those times when I might fall asleep while watching tv and he thinks it would be a good opportunity to explore the upstairs and see what he can lift his leg on.
Are you noticing a pattern here? I know you find it hard to believe that Gibbs would behave so ungentlemanly but it's true. With careful observation he has gotten better but he still can't be trusted.