Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Last Wednesday

 Another post about the snow. It started Friday November 30. I didn't leave my house from Friday until Monday morning when I had to go to work. Thankfully I was able to get out. Once back home I didn't leave again until Wednesday when there was finally a lull in the storm.

I had been out shoveling on Tuesday after the snow had finally stopped. I couldn't help taking some pictures.

Thursday morning I woke up to severe winds and more snow. Once again I couldn't get Gibbs out the back door and I just kept taking him out the front on a leash all day long. The first time I took him out he couldn't wait to get back in and as soon as he got in the house he promptly pooped on the rug. Apparently it was just too cold to go outside.

These were through the front window Thursday morning.

Here is where my story ends because I'm writing this on Thursday. I'm hoping that there isn't much more to come. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your nighttime photos are beautiful! That is a lot of snow. Hmmm, maybe you should put down a pad inside the back door for Gibbs when it snows?

CheerfulMonk said...

That's way too much snow! I hope you don't get much more.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I started to shiver just looking and reading, as I sit here it is 72 in the house and 61 outside going to 80... I do hope your snow melts and leaves you alone. I read this post to Bob and he said this is why he left PA in 1970, through the snow shovel down and said I am going to FL and never coming back. and he did

Rose said...

That is more snow than I have seen in years. Thar much is hard to dealmwith no matter your age.

Lori said...

That is a lot of snow. We don't get that often here. I hope that isn't a prediction of the winter season for you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann bless your heart I cannot even imagine in my wildest dreams.
Once years ago we had about an 1" of snow then 1/4" of ice fell on top. We might as well have been on the top of Mt. Everest.
And our house faces north so no sun...if we had as much as you did I'd cry. Gibbs had to pee w/o checking his pee mail

Jeanette said...

Ugh! I didn't realize you had so much snow! We only got a inch but it was really cold!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is so much snow and so much work for you shoveling it. So sorry about Gibbs not wanting to go potty outside. I'm sure that is frustrating. Hope the rest of the Winter season is easier on you.

Sandee said...

Yikes, that's a lot of snow. I'm so happy we don't live in snow country. It's beautiful, but all that work.

Have a fabulous day and week, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Lin said...

Wow. You certainly got it good. That's a lot of heavy snow to navigate! Be careful if you are shoveling. Take one layer at a time. We used to do that...even with the snowblower. It's just too deep to do all at once.

photowannabe said...

Oh my, too much snow for me. The idea of shoveling all of that white stuff and the fear of sliding on the icy walks would have kept me hunkered down inside for days.
Poor doggie doesn't seem to like it either. Hang in there..

HappyK said...

Even though the snow causes problems for people it still is so pretty!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh good grief, more snow. Sure looks pretty but the shoveling must be backbreaking. I'm sorry you have to do all that. As for Miggs, oy! I understand why the little guy doesn't want to go out but crikey! I guess he's just telling you he doesn't want to put his hiney out there. Hope you can get someone to help.

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