Thursday, November 3, 2011

Deep fried

You would think as long as I have been doing my job, I would be more careful. Well yesterday morning I got my hand just a little too close to the grease in the donut fryer and caught the knuckles on my first two fingers. OUCH!! (those were not my exact words but I'll refrain from repeating them here)
So the store manager filled out and accident report. The owner walks in and the two of them are talking. Manager asks if I showed owner my hand. I show him my hand and the two of them talk about whether they think I need to have it looked at. (It's just a burn, I've had a ton of them over the years) Owner then proceeds to tease me about it. (he's like that and that's why we love him so much) I told him I was blaming it on the customer who wanted to know if we ever made deep fried lady fingers. He laughed, shook his head and walked out.


Anonymous said...

Deep fried lady fingers - Ha Ha - No.

One time I was frying something and I wanted to see if the oil was hot enough so I stuck my finger in it. I should really stay away from stoves and sharp objects...

DSS said...

OUCH! That looks very painful :(

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, so sorry about this!! And grease is the worst! I am always taking food out of the toaster oven with my bare hands, and burning the top of my hand on the upper coils. And it really stings in the shower and under water!

Sandee said...

Ouch wouldn't have been what I said either. Looks painful indeed. I hope it heals up soon.

Have a terrific day and my best to Duke. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Ouch - I know those hurt - been there done that. I am so sorry. I guess you didn't go to the doctor - could you work the rest of the day? Keep it clean and not infected. Hope it feels better soon.


Marie said...

Lady fingers...good one!
I hope it's better now.
Give Duke a hug for me!

Marg said...

Ewwwww, that does not sound like fun. Guess you had better keep your hands under control. Hope your day is a good one.

Jeanette said...

Ouch! That looks extremely painful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

looks mean to me. grease burns are the ones that make me cry and wimp around for a week every time i put my hand in water. so sorry, it looks like a double OUCH OUCH to me. take care of it and hope it heals quickly

Sheryl Hastings said...

Looks painful! Hope it's feeling better soon.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Well, they can't feel good, but all that paperwork is too annoying. I'd say it's below the legal radar.

Donna said...

Owie! I know how much those hurt! {{{hugs}}}}

Lin said...

OWIE!! That looks really painful!! I'd fill out a report, just in case. You never know if you are going to have an infection or anything, but you don't need to go further.

I hope you feel better soon and that you stay away from the hot areas for awhile--I'm sure that is gonna sting for some time to come.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, I am so sorry to hear about your burned hand... Yipes---bet that hurts.... Did you go to the doctor--or just use home remedies? We use aloe vera plant on burns --but have never had one that big...
God Bless You.

Ann said...

ooh, so sorry to hear about this Ann; hope you'll heal quickly.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ouch is right. I have done that the deep fried at my last job. Glad it wasn't a 2nd or 3rd degree burn.
You made a good funny.:)
What a blessing that the store owner is a joy!

Anonymous said...

Ow, second degree burns are NOT fun. I did that to my palm once, taking a tray of cookies out of the oven. That was 14 years ago and I STILL remember the pain.

john bain said...


marie said...

Ann...I love it. You're funny even in your pain! Take care of those fingers!

Carole Barkett said...

ouch, I hate burns. They hurt so much.

Unknown said...

Yep, a good sense-of-humor has defeated many a workers comp claim before it was ever filed. By the way, how did they taste?

Leeuna said...

bahhh! deep fried lady fingers! I know that must hurt. You should have put some mustard on it immediately. It stops the blistering. I hate getting burned. Hope it heals soon.

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