Saturday, November 12, 2011

Logical Conclusion

Yesterday morning we awoke to snow on the ground. I was expecting it but it was still a bit of a shock. The first snowfall always is. All that snow made me think of angels. Snow angels to be exact. (sorry but I couldn't resist a little shameless self promotion)
The natural progression of my thought process took me to the latest book that I finished reading.

All I'm going to say about this book is that I did enjoy it. I don't want to spoil the surprise for the person who
Wins this book
in my latest
This isn't going to be your typical giveaway though. This is going to be the giveaway that keeps on giving. Or at least that's the plan any way.
In order to win this book you must be a blogger and you must agree to pass this on in a giveaway of your own once you've read it. 
It only seems logical that a book about angels (who just so happen to be prayer ambassadors) should travel.
So there you have it. Leave me a comment. Unless you specify that you "DO NOT" want to be included I'll assume that you're in. Some time next week I'll post the winner. I would be more specific about when I'll do the drawing but as of late I don't seem to be keeping a schedule too well.

I'm off to Volant Mills (another shameless promotion, with scenes from last years trip) with my friend Debbie today so I won't be around to visit till later tonight or tomorrow.


Ginny Hartzler said...

This book looks good, but I have several books that people have loaned me and I haven't got through them yet. So I will pass on this and give the others a better chance.

BeadedTail said...

I love Debbie Macomber books so I'd like to play along but I won the Duke photo giveaway so maybe I should bow out. I'll let you decide whether to include me or not. :) Have fun at Volant Mills today!

Anonymous said...

You mean there are people who read blogs that aren't bloggers themselves? How odd.

(Do not include me in the giveaway)

Unknown said...

I suppose it would all depend upon which angels you are dealing with, and despite being somewhat coy, I am not joking.

Anonymous said...

Just the cover alone on that book makes me want to own it!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

As you know, Ann, I don't participate in Giveaways anymore. SO --don't include my name. The book does look like a good one though...

Snow, huh???? Goodness--don't think I've ever seen snow in November... We usually get ours (what we get) in Jan/Feb.

Donna said...

First snow of the season? Ack! Please count me in on the book giveaway. What a great idea! You clever girl...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree with Donna it is a very clever idea, and this way the book will not just sit on a shelf after reading. do not include me though, it is not my kind of book. i have seen movies on lifetime channel that were based on her books. I like action and suspense and mystery and also my books must be in large print. enjoy your week end and i will be waiting to hear from you.

Christmas-etc... said...

Oh Anne, I can't believe it! this is a book I've always wanted to buy! I met Debbie a couple of years ago at a romance writers convention and she is an amazing lady! Had such an enjoyable cup of tea with her!
Oh my... and snow!! Well, it is almost thanksgiving!

Erika said...

Ann, what a great idea! I just participated in a book-send-along-when-done and it was great to know that different hands were passing it on and sharing in the great words.


Chatty Crone said...

Now that is an interesting give away and I think it is a great idea - count me in! sandie

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann, I am new to the world of I am game.
Looks like a good book.

Marie said...

I think this is a great idea! I'm sure it will work out well. Maybe I can participate in the future. I just have a little much on my plate now and I don't know if the book would ever get passed on. LOL!
Happy Sunday Ann!

Marg said...

That book does look good. Put me down to win this book. And I will pass it around.That is such a good idea. Take care.

Lin said...

Okay, I'll play along. But do I have a time frame in which to read it? You know I read slow!!

Grampy said...

I'm trying to catch up on your back post. After the storm, I have a lot of catching up to do. You have a wonderful idea for a giveaway. That book could make it around the world.

booahboo said...

awwwwwwwwwwww you are going to Volant again... i remember your pictures from last year :) Take some pictures too this time ya :)

"i can't" have this book :) becos i am very far away :)

Twinkle Terrior said...

The Debbie Macomber Christmas movies were on the Hallmark channel this weekend! So fun xoxo

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