Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm finished

Yes I am. I'm finished, done, completed.
I've read another book and I reached the end. I actually finished two but I'm only going to talk about one today. I discovered a renewed love of reading. I haven't read in quite some time because whenever I opened a book I would fall asleep. I started taking books to work with me and I read on my breaks and lunches. It may take me a while to finish but it gives me something to do.
Quite some time ago, my cousin sent me a book. I had started it when I first got it but maybe because of my situation at the time I wasn't able to get very far with it. I finally picked it up and I'm glad I did.
Beautiful Boy is a father's journey through his sons addiction to methamphetamine. I know that this isn't the most uplifting kind of story to read but I have to say that anyone who has ever watched a family member or friend struggle with addiction will relate to much of what is said in this book. I think one of the hardest parts for family and friends of addicts of any kind is the feeling of helplessness. Talking with others who are in the same situation can be a great relief  and lets you know that you aren't alone. The book includes links to helpful websites as well as a list of other resources for anyone seeking help. I think that Beautiful Boy provides some understanding as to what it's like to deal with addiction.

Tomorrow, I'll go back to something more lighthearted :)


Sandee said...

I dealt with lots of folks in my career that were addicted to one drug or another. It is indeed sad to watch.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

There is a movie out with the same name, but it is not the same story, How strange! It is in Red Box now. About the parents of a teenage boy who was involved in a school shooting.

booahboo said...

It looks like a good book. It takes me quite a while to finish a book too. I am the slowest reader in the whole entire planet... hehehe

jeanlivingsimple said...

Ann,You have addresed subject very well!

bichonpawz said...

I actually debated reading that book...thanks for the review!! My daughter got me into watching "Intervention" and that show sure is eye opening!

Unknown said...

Yes, you did a very good job with this review.

Grampy said...

I have dealt with addicts. It is hard on them. But it is miserable for us also.If it is alcohol or drug related it can be a killer.

Jen said...

Sounds like an emotionally tough read; although you're quite right about the watching part (DH's stepbrother and his wife are in the process of going down in flames there - it's rough).
I am a total book-a-holic and my biggest problem with reading is that I tend to become so absorbed in the story that I completely shut out everything going on around me. Not always a bad thing, if you ask me. *grin*

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I appreciate your review. I am currently reading the last book you mentioned.

Lin said...

I love to read, but there just isn't enough time. I try to read for a little each day, so like you, it takes me forever to get through a book.

I am currently reading about a lady who rides her bike from Ireland to India in the 1960's. It makes my butt hurt just thinking about it.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! My mom LOVEs to read ... lately she converted reading via her Ipad (ebook). She missed holding an actual book. Guess what's she's reading ... check out our Wordless Wednesday post. Happy READING Wednesday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Marie said...

I'm glad you've taken the time for yourself. You gave a great review!
Happy Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad to hear you are back to reading. reading is my THING. i love blogging/photography/movies/TV/computers but Reading comes first. i have been reading since i was 6 and there is rarely a day that i do not read an hour or four hours. if the book is good and a page turner, i will finish it in 2 days and have been known to finish one in a day. I am thankful for our library because i would be broke if i had to purchase all that I read.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ann, Glad you are enjoying reading again. I have NEVER been much of a reader --and would much rather write or watch TV (something visual). I remember that my mother wanted me to love to read like she did. When I was young, she'd read me some of a book and then want me to finish it... I never did... Don't know why... Oh well--guess we all have our 'crazy sides'...

Carole Barkett said...

Sadly, addiction is something that touches every family I'm sure

BeadedTail said...

I love to read and have to end my day reading even if it's 5 minutes. I've heard of this book but your review makes me want to read it even if I have no firsthand experience with dealing with addiction. It sounds quite life changing.

Donna said...

Sounds good...I love to read!

Reena said...

I've read good reviews on this book ... I'll have to pick it up someday.

VanillaSeven said...

Nice cover and interesting story. You made me want to read the book ann.

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Sounds like something that would be helpful to a lot of people.

Donna said...

I have a work friend who is going through drug issues with his youngest son right now. Sad situation.

But I'm glad to see you reading! I am constantly reading a book on my Kindle or a paperback from the used book store. I read on my lunch breaks and right before I go to sleep. It takes a LONG time to get through a book that way. And I love to take my Kindle with me on our journeys!

marg said...

I am like Sharla. I think that book looks interesting. I find it hard to take time to read but I do love to do it. Luckily I have never had to deal with anyone's addiction. It sounds like such a hard thing to go through.

Out on the prairie said...

sad to let the beauty of children go for an addiction. I am reading reports, too many. LOL

Anonymous said...

I used to have a job where I could read a lot as I worked overnight shifts and aside from some cleaning and bed checks there wasn't much else that needed to be done. I kind of miss that, though I don't think it's affected the amount of books I read.

john bain said...

I love to escape into a book.

Chatty Crone said...

I have not heard of that book - but I do know first hand how it can effect the family. That is one nasty drug. sandie

Tammy said...

We have a family member (nephew) that has drug problems. I know his parents was to help and it is so hard to watch your child with such problems. Sounds like a good book.

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