Sunday, November 20, 2011

No Point

There is no point in even trying to deny it. The plain and simple truth is that I was lazy yesterday. I had plans. I was going to catch up on crafting, cleaning and go grocery shopping.
What actually happened was that I got up early, drank some coffee, read some blogs, drank some more coffee then laid in front of the TV and took a nap.
No grocery shopping was done, I didn't even leave the house.
Craft projects are still sitting unfinished. I believe the total number started is now up to 6.
My house isn't cleaned, although it's not a total pig sty yet.
The only thing I did manage to finish was a bag of potato chips, some hershey kisses and a digital doodle.
I don't think I'll make any plans for today. Maybe I'll get more done. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened.


Ginny Hartzler said...

How did you do this cool and colorful doodle? Now try saying that real fast five times in a row! But seriously....also how could you have taken a nap after all that coffee, you're as bad as Phil!!

allotments4you said...

I love your digital doodle Ann...and at least you did manage to finish a few things...I think it does us all good to have lazy fact I don't think any of us have enough time to get fit enough of them into our busy lives!!

Duni said...

Hi Ann,

your doodle looks amazing :)
I think it's okay to do nothing once in a while!

happy Sunday,

Grampy said...

Great doodle. I doodle on paper while on the phone some times. Not as good as yours. You have a hidden talent there. Maybe you should have been an artist. Have a good day.

Unknown said...

Need I keep reminding you that eating a good breakfast gives you enough energy to accomplish more than you can imagine, and that bacon is an essential part to a good breakfast? Evidently, I do. Sic her, Duke!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your day sounds like my kind of day
and what i do pretty much every day of retirement, not the chips or candy but the sofa and computer. digital doodle is crazy, is that a software or photoshop thing. you could print it on a canvas and sell it as modern art LOL

Pat said...

Of course you got something done - you relaxed! Being is as important as doing!

john bain said...

You go girl. Which I believe means, in modern parlance, do you own thing. I could be wrong. Anyway I just have to go and have a lie down.

Catherine said...

Sometimes you just have to have those kind of days! I think I will have one today. :)
xo Catherine

Bossy Betty said...

No need to feel guilty about having a lazy day! We all need them! Love that doodle too!

Marg said...

I need a lazy day right now. That sounds so delicious. Love the digital doodle.That is terrific. You probably needed the rest. Take care.

Donna said...

Don't beat yourself up for chilling out! You NEED the rest! That is one mighty fine digital doodle, BTW!

booahboo said...

hey... a doodle is hard work you know :) glad you decided to be lazy and just enjoy your weekend. We do it allllllll the time here :)

Sandee said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. You work full time and sometimes you just don't want to work at all. Naps are good and I remember enjoying a good nap when I was still working. Weekends are for you to do what you want to do.

Have a terrific day. My best to Duke. :)

Ann said...

You know what? We all deserve a mental health day every once in a while. I like your doodle; besides, it definitely counts as doing something. :)

Philippa said...

Love your doodle ... and we all need to take a break now and then!

Lin said...

I did the same thing on Friday. I was supposed to be working from home and got nothing done. Oops. Oh well. But now I'm working from home today. :(

Anonymous said...

That's a cool doodle - I'd say you had a productive day1

BeadedTail said...

Everyone needs a day or two like that from time to time! I like your digital doodle. I made two necklaces yesterday but today I'm watching Tony hopefully win the championship!

Marie said...

Sounds like a relaxing day! I've never seen digital doodle before. Looks fun!

Reeni said...

Sometimes days like that are necessary to recharge! Digital doodling looks like fun!

tahtimbo said...

That sounds like the perfect day to me! The only project I would have a problem completing would be the digital doodle. The chips and Hershey kisses would be a piece of cake....Cake?? Well, here's something else I can put on my To-do list :)
I hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend!

bichonpawz said...

We do that all the time here!!! Everybody needs to do that every now and then... DID you do the Digital Doodle?? That is really cool!!

Anne said...

That happened to me this weekend. I had all kinds of plans since my husband was out of town but we ended up doing nothing. I hope you get everything you want accomplished today.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your digital doodle - how did you doddle that? sandie

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

That digital doodle is pretty darn cool... I never seem to be able to do that kind of stuff.

Donna said...

Hahahaaa.....sounds good to Meh!!!

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