Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Please excuse my mom

You'll have to excuse my mom for being absent from blogging yesterday and today. Yesterday morning she took a trip to the emergency room because she was having some really bad back pains. Don't worry, it's nothing serious unless you consider the fact that she doesn't feel like playing much. The doctor thought that she had kidney stones but all her tests came back negative and he said that it was just back pain and told her to take a couple days off work. He gave her two bottles of treats and she's been sleeping a lot.


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Duke, please give your mom a big hug (well not too big as to hurt her back more) and tell her I hope her rest today brings lots of healing :)

Catherine said...

Poor mom! We know you will take good care of her Duke!
xo Catherine

Unknown said...

I am really sorry, Duke. Our puppies' mommy is not shy at all about saying that I cause her all sorts of pains, and I didn't realize that it could reach out that far. Nonetheless, I hope she gets to feeling better soon. I hear that bacon can make just about any pain disappear in a hurry...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

take good care of your mommy. we missed her and hope she is better fast. you look so cute on that pretty rug. LOL on the mommy treats that make her sleep...

Anonymous said...

The only thing that ever helped with my back pain was doing stretches and exercises on a daily basis. AND lots of tylenol. Hope you heal up soon!!

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

Oh boy - do I feel your pain! Take good care of yourself 'cause turkey day is right around the corner!

Be well ... katie

Lin said...

Oh no! I hope she gets better soon! Back pain is the WORST!! I hope you are helping her with her naps, Duke.

Helen said...

Glad to hear it was nothing serious, Ann. I heard that drink lots of water help ease the pain.

Erika said...

Yikes! Kidney stones are terrible so if your mommy is comparing her pain to that---let her get lots of rest!

Ann, I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Pat said...

Duke, take good care of mommy and tell her we wish her better xx

Tanyia said...

lol at the treats for mommy, Duke! Go take care of her and give her big sloppy kisses til she is better!!!

Julie Harward said...

Two bottles of treats huh..hope she doesn't eat them all at once! Seriously, get better my friend, I know how much back pain hurts! ;/

Duni said...

I'm sorry to hear this, Ann :(
I hope the treats work...
Take good care of yourself and rest well. ((Hugs)) to Duke!

Anonymous said...

2 bottles of treats? Oh my! Back pain is the pits (I know!) makes you feel bad all over...get well soon Mom

Marg said...

Oh no, poor Mom. We sure hope those treats fix her up. I might have to try some of those treats. Thanks Duke for keeping us informed. We are sending tons of woofs and purrs that she will get all better. Tell her to get some rest. That is one way to get a day off. Just kidding. Back pain is no fun.

Sandee said...

Oh no. I'm sorry your mom is having back problems. That's awful. Sending healing hugs to your mom. You get scritches.

Have a woof woof day Duke. My best to your mom. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm SO sorry!!!! I know what it's like, I deal with back pain a lot, and I have a badly curved spine. Well, telling you it's back pain is something you already knew, but what is causing it? They sent you home with no diagnosis? I hope the meds work! Duke, you look just lovely on that rug! You have turned it into a magic carpet!

Marie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mommy's back pain. I can relate. Well Duke make sure your mommy gets her treats and then you should get a treat for taking good care of your mommy. :) Big hug to your mom.

Philippa said...

Oh Ann, poor you! Hope the pain eases soon ...

J. M. P. said...

Take good care, Ann, and sleep as much as you can. You're the real blogger; if I had to apologize for every couple of days that I don't post anything... Best wishes :)

BeadedTail said...

Oh noes Duke! We hope your mom's back feels better soon so she can play with you again! Give her smooches from us!

Anne said...

I hope she is feeling better soon! Sometimes you just have to be patient with the lack of playing.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Oh Ann ... hope it is just a back pain. Sometimes sleeping on your back makes it worst ... need to move around or better off get a massage. Sending you Lots of Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Tell your mom to relax and not take more treats than allowed! THanks for holding the fort, Duke.

Chatty Crone said...

Lifting too many cakes at work. take it easy - i bet there is a lot more business and work this time of year.

You are excused!


Ann said...

I hope you'll feel lots better soon, Ann!

DebbieM said...

Take care and hope you are feeling better real soon. Guess we did too much walking at Volant :)!! Rest up!!

booahboo said...

oh boy... hope she is feelin better after the treats... and don't you go sharing those treats with your momma ya...

i think it might be a good idea for her to get new shoes :) new shoes are always a good excuse to heal the bad back. Get well soon Ann. *hugs*

Reeni said...

Hope you're Mom feels better soon!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Duke, Know that you are taking good care of your Mama... Tell her how sorry I am that she is feeling so bad... Rest is good though...

Hugs and Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Oh no, feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Ann, so sorry to hear you're unwell. Not sure whether this will be any help at all but my daughter gave me a tip when she was at Uni and said that all of the female students bought grapefruit juice squash which appears to help clear up all sorts of back pains. Have tried it out and it appears to work - don't know how but I always keep a bottle of it in as a just in case drink. The sort I buy is 50% fruit juice drink - pink grapefruit. Just thought I'd mention it .. and I still haven't a clue why it works!

Beebeebabs said...

Duke take care of mommy - hope you feel better soon!!!

Donna said...

Duke, thanks for letting us know! I hope she gets to feeling better soon! (& stay away form her treats, ya hear?)

Grampy said...

Well it looks like it is up to you Duke. You have to take care of mommy and the blog also. At least take care of mommy.

john bain said...

Mention Ibuprofen Duke. They worked for me. Tell her I hope she gets well soon. Sadie sends her love to you both.

Karen said...

I hope she feels better soon.

Unknown said...

Ann, In England we have several variations or qualities of drinks. Cordial is the cheapest variety and has very little real juice in it, followed by Squash which has around 30% (if you are lucky) then a better quality called High Juice which is 50% real fruit juice but is used the same way as squash and watered down to taste. Then there is pasteurised juice which is 100% and kept in fridges (the best if you cannot squeeze it yourself) and concentrate .. which is probably best avoided. There are also variations of long-life juices.
If I can't squeeze my own then I will use pasteurised and High Juice 50% but always by as natural as possible and never any with artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners.
My daughter just told me to get high juice and drink around one pint in the morning and half to one pint in the afternoons ..

I did have one further thought - and that is lack of salt. I know that we are often told to cut back on salt these days and most of us do but sometimes when the body craves it if you are not quite having enough then it manifests itself in the form of back pain.

Hope that this has been a little help to you ~ and I hope that you will soon be better.

I checked my pink grapefruit yesterday and have found that I need to replenish my stocks of it .. I most certainly wouldn't want to run out.

Take care. x

Donna said...

Sorry Ann!
I know that scared you...Have you been doing tooooo much?? Lifting, bending, sitting...?
Take care sweetheart! REST!

Tammy said...

Duke take good care of mom so she can play and blog again. Get well soon.

Carole Barkett said...

oh dear, nothing like back pain to make sitting at the computer hard. Hope you're better soon.

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