Sunday, May 6, 2018

A dandy of a day

Yesterday was an all around dandy good day. I got an early start and got my shopping done, It wasn't as warm as it has been but it was still very pleasant. I did some crafting and you'll see more of that on another day. Gibbs and I went outside to take some pictures so I have plenty of blog material.
Yes, it was a dandy fine day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Looks like you snapped them from eye level. Or maybe Gibbs snapped them, smart dog that he is. Anyway, so pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

It looks to me like it was a Dandy of a dandylion day! and you found your mojo... YAYYYYY

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you enjoyed the day!!! Warmer temps and color in the landscape always cheer me too.

Grace said...

Whew - what a relief, eh?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the dandelions! My great grandmother would make wine out of them.

Sandee said...

Amazing what a day off and a nice day out can do for one's good mental health. I'm glad you had a great day yesterday.

Have an even better day tomorrow. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

Everyone deserves a "Dandy Fine Day" and I'm so happy that you had one. Pick a dandelion and look at it close-up like you did when you were a child . . . it is amazing :)

Duni said...

That pop of yellow is so refreshing!

Pam said... have color and no snow! is so nice.

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