Friday, May 25, 2018

Once a week.

Lately, it seems like I come home at least once a week and am so exhausted that I have to nap. Sometimes it's just one nap sometimes three. Last night was my night. It was only a one nap night but I still had no energy for the rest of the evening.

Since I'm feeling like a slug I'm just going to throw a random picture in here and be done.


Anonymous said...

It's a pretty photo, Ann. Hope you are feeling better.

Grace said...

Rest as you need to rest, whenever you can.

Jean | said...

Ann, I've had some bad nights' sleep this week and am feeling "like a slug" myself. Hope you pick up some steam soon!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Random Thought! oops! I lost that thought! lol.... back before retirement when I came home at night I was wiped out.... sad to say, by night I am wiped out from doing nothing. I think anytime after 4 pm I am wiped out not matter what.... see what happens when you post the word random? random thoughts ran amuck

Lin said...

I make it a point to nap...or meditate...or just read for a few minutes each day. It's good for your mind and body...especially your heart to rest each day.

Lovely flowers!

Sandee said...

I can remember being so tired and no energy. Still get that way, but nothing like when I was still working.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Out on the prairie said...

MMMM love the smell of these so well.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I had a few mornings this week where I got up and ended up falling asleep catching up on some TV shows from the night before. However today I am cleaning house....hooray for me! I like the picture, it's very pretty.

Katie, Julep and Derby's Mom said...

I bet you get up with the roosters to head to work -- hope you have a restful Memorial Day weekend.

Sharkbytes said...

Maybe you need an emotional boost to give your physical energy a zing.

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