Saturday, May 26, 2018

It makes me sad

I don't like it when my email inbox is empty. It makes me sad when I don't see your wonderful comments coming to my email. None of them are being sent there. OK, so I can come right here to the blog and see them all, but it's not the same. Having to change my routine makes me feel all discombobulated.

Even Gibbs looks a bit bewildered and grumpy.


handmade by amalia said...

Also, how do you answer people? it is easier from the mailbox. I hope Gibbs puzzles this out quickly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I hate this, it is driving me nuts. each morning I ck my email and am so very happy to have all those emails from the night before. and to be able to reply and chat... making me crazy. Gibbs is looking adorable and puzzles... I feel grumpy tooooo..... I feel alone without emails to read and answer.... whine whine whine....

Hootin Anni said... you know, I don't care for email xcause of all the ads & spam...bligger/blogs have none, so I'd prefer checking my few comments that way...& visit.

GIBBS is so adorable!

Marg said...

Oh Gibbs, you are so cute.Hope things get better for you and your Mom.

Sharkbytes said...

Is this one of the piece of fallout from the privacy regs?

Grace said...

Oh such a great photo of Gibbs! I guess, don't know for sure, that answering comments via email is easier but it does deprive the rest of us from seeing your answers - sometimes people ask questions and I am honestly interested in the answers but never see them. I use Disqus and lots of people hate it but I can have conversations with people using it and also there is that handy dandy edit feature and also it is easy to include links and photos etc with it. The new EU GDPR regulations are causing a few people to have problems and of course my in-box is deluged with emails notifying me of new Privacy Rights terms etc. This might be a PITA for some web sites and even bloggers but I think it is probably a good thing.

Sandee said...

I'm sorry your mail isn't showing up in your email. Since I switched to Wordpress I don't get my comments in my email either and I'm happy about that. Too many and if they are on my blog I'm good.

Gibbs is a handsome man dog.

Have a fabulous day off. Big hug to you and tons of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It's always fun seeing Gibbs. So why aren't your comments going to your email account???

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, Like you, I miss the comments coming to my blog. I LIVE for the emails as most days, I am confined to the house. I'm glad you had nice weather to get some chores done today. I love this pic of Gibbs. Wishing you a pleasant evening.

Out on the prairie said...

Sorry Gibbs, it will change I hope

Reeni said...

Aww Gibbs you are so handsome! I don't get mine in my e-mail - I get so many e-mails already I like to keep them on my dashboard. But yeah I don't like changes in my routine either! Have a great holiday!!

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