Sunday, January 20, 2019

Not a bad day

Yesterday could have been a little warmer and I could have done without the snow but all in all it wasn't a bad day.

I went out in the morning to shovel and while I was out there the guy who plows the neighbors driveway pulled in and plowed mine.

It wasn't looking too bad out so I decided to drive over to Walmart and get a haircut. It's been over 6 months since I've had it cut and it was looking stringy and horrible and it was driving me nuts. When I came out of Walmart it was snowing like crazy. A nice slow drive home and it was inside for the rest of the day.

Two things that I've been waiting for in the mail came too so that was also a cause for celebration. I've been waiting for the letter from OVR telling me I can make my appointment to get fitted for my hearing aids. That came so on Monday I can call and make the appointment. I also got something from the state regarding Wade's unemployment from last year so now I can get my stuff together and get my taxes done.

All in all not a bad day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A lot of things finally came together for you today. I bet that is all a big relief!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad things went so well. One of the things I like best about winter is when we're home for the rest of the day.

Hootin Anni said...

Snow...not fun
Mail...good things come to those who wait
Home safe with Gibbs & hair cut...priceless

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds like your day off was a pretty good one. when my hair gets to long I can feel it and when bob cuts it I feel FREE... hope you can get to work today and back home safely... yay for the document in the mail. no hurry to file for tax return, there will be no checks mailed until the govt is back up.... there, how is that for a downer..

Grace said...

Yess! for the hearing aids, they are going to make such a positive impact on your life tho it may be a bit disconcerting at the start - all that 'new' noise. But oh what a lovely adjustment that is going to be.

Sandee said...

It's good to have a good day off and get a haircut too. Good for you.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you were able to get out and get your hair cut. That's great news on the mail you received!

BeadedTail said...

Glad you had a good day! I'm excited for you to get the hearing aids and hope they make a big difference for you!

Ann said...

yep, it was an all around good day

Ann said...

that's about the only thing I like about

Ann said...

total agreement

Ann said...

I know. I'm looking forward to it. Hope it's not too difficult to get used to

Ann said...

A haircut always makes me feel better unless of course it's a really bad

Ann said...

Thanks. I'm excited too. Can't wait to get that taken care of

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

when I friend of mine finally got hearing aids, everyone said there was less "repeating just what I said" through to "oh hell, he hears everything" :-)

Lin said...

All good things. All good things!

Thank you to the guy with the plow. I wonder if he knows how much that is truly appreciated. It's the little stuff that means the most.

I remember after my dad died, there was a family at church that would take us out for breakfast every Sunday after mass for YEARS. Or if we missed, there would be a box of donuts stuck in the door. This man also got my mom a job at the local school district since it was 1970 and most mom's didn't work outside the home yet. They greatly impacted our family and as a 7-year old, even I realized that. I will never forget that kindness.

Pam said...

Well at least you guys get snow...if it is going to be this cold here I want SNOW, not this little bit of dusting we got today. Glad you had a nice easy day and it was nice of the guy to do your drive.

Ann said...

This past 6 months I've discovered that there are far more kind people out there than I realized.

Ann said...

I would gladly give you the snow here if I could. I hate the stuff. I worry about getting in and out of my driveway when it gets too deep and worry about having to shovel the really heavy stuff. So far I've gotten lucky and had help

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