Thursday, November 7, 2019

I got nothing

I'm out of completed craft projects to show and nothing else has happened other than work so I've got nothing. I thought about taking pictures of the two different projects I have started but I was too lazy to do that.

Lets take a trip back to 2012

Tuesday morning I went in to work early because I had a large donut order that had to be done by 7:30. The total order was for 20 dozen. The girl on Monday did part of them and I had 11 dozen left to do Tuesday morning. I started a half hour early to give myself plenty of time to finish. I was more than a little annoyed when they didn't show up until after 10:30 to pick them up. I could have slept a little later and gone in at my regular time.

How about a trip back to 2014 and taking a look at baby Gibbs.
Gibbs has always been a little wild and crazy and never one to sit still for very long. He has never been a lap dog either. Duke used to love to sit in my lap but not Gibbs. You can tell that he is getting older because he will occasionally come lay down next to me on the couch in the evenings. Now that he sleeps in the bedroom with me he also enjoys curling up right next to me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I like reading stories about you and Gibbs and what goes on in your day. I cannot imagine having to make this many donuts! Seems like Gibbs is mellowing out a bit!

Hootin Anni said...

All I can think of is: "Time to make the donuts".

And Gibbs...he's so darned loveable. Cute as the Dickens.

Rose said...

That was a lot if donuts! And Gibs is just so cute...just so adorable.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann wow thats a crazy amount of donuts.
Oh i do love the pic of baby Gibbs,what a cutie xx

Kate said...

Gibbs is just so cute and looks like he already had personality as a pup. Shame on the doughnut customer for being so late to pick up the order.

Grace said...

The joys of living with an animal - they know what we need - Gibbs knows you need comfort and companionship...

Sandee said...

Yikes on having to get up early to do those donuts and them not showing up on time.

Gibbs is a handsome pup. I'm so glad you let him sleep with you. A comfort to the both of you.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

It's such a dull time of year, I have nothing going on either. Not even 20 dozen donuts! :)

Love animal friends this time of year--they do get cuddly, even if I know they are just using me for the body heat.

Annsterw said...

I would love 20 dozen donuts!! YUM! Not much here - enjoy the peace when it comes! HUGS

Ann said...

Ginny, Glad you like hearing my stories. I wonder if I bore people Gibbs is starting to mellow although he still acts a little crazy sometimes too.

Anni, there are many morning when I mumble that same thing right after I punch in.

Sheryl, it was a lot of donuts but it's not the largest order I've ever had. The largest was for 90 dozen.

Gibbs, they are good at figuring out what we need.

Sandee, I was pretty annoyed that they came so late

Lin, Gibbs has never been the least bit cuddly. He just started doing that this year.

Ann I hope you wouldn't eat the whole 20 dozen in one

CheerfulMonk said...

I can understand why you would be annoyed by the customer! In spite of the title, you had plenty to share. Thank you. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that's a lot of donuts! Gibbs is so darn cute.

Reeni said...

That is such a bummer about the donuts! You already get up so early. Gibbs is so cute though! I'm glad he's getting to be more snuggly. That's the best.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

wow 20 dozen

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