Thursday, November 14, 2019

I think I may need more hoops.

I got a text message last week from someone who had seen my ornaments on Facebook and wanted to know how they could buy a couple. I said I would be happy to make them some but had to order some more of the hoops.
Friday night I placed the order on Amazon and Sunday afternoon they were delivered. I'm really loving that part about my prime membership. I don't order a lot from there but when I do I hate the wait so now I don't have a long one.

Any way, this time around, since I had more hoops I made a complete set of 5 and sent his picture off to let the person know I had them done and they could choose which ones they wanted.

After I sent the picture they said they would take all 5.  Then I was showing this same picture to a girl at work she asked me how much they were. When I told her she said she would also like a set of 5 to give to her father in law.

That takes me down to just 2 hoops left and I was going to give a set of three to a couple of people for Christmas gifts. Guess I'll be ordering more hoops from Amazon.


Hootin Anni said...

Excellent news!!

Dr Sonia S V said...

They are so neatly made and look super beautiful wonder they are literally selling like hot cakes!!! Hehe that might sound funny to you considering your line of work!!
Have a good day Ann
Dr Sonia

Rose said...

They are all excellent...I could not pick a favorite.

Kate said...

Ann, these are beautiful - it's no wonder you're sold out! :)

Grace said...

Well look at you being all entrepreneurial! Perhaps that's the way to go - post an item, take orders -

Lin said...

Prime pays for itself in no time. It's great. Plus, you get it on your smart TV too...which is a bonus.

Those are really cute. I am not surprised that you are selling them like hotcakes! Well done you!

Sandee said...

So cute. You're so talented.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YAY!!! wish you could see me doing a happy dance for you

Ann said...

Anni, thanks

Dr Sonia, I think your comment is just what the doctor

Grace, Yep, I think that works for me.

Lin so I've noticed. I have a fire stick for the tv and honestly you just can't beat the membership fee

Sandee, thanks

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for you, and hurray for Amazon!

Reeni said...

That's awesome! They ARE wonderful! I've never seen anything like them in the stores here.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

that's so cool, or, maybe not (depending on how many orders)...but on the other hand Christmas only comes once a year...congrats on being in the market right now...and Amazon is going to love you to bits :-)

Jeanette said...

I do like those!

Pam said...

Love all these. I think even though I don't need to....I think, I need to get a circuit cutter. Nice job.

Ann said...

Cheerfulmonk, yep it's 3 cheers all around

Reeni Thanks, I haven't been activly trying to sell anything but if someone asks I cetainly won't turn them down

Catherine, yeah, it is pretty cool. If I got to a point where I thought it would be too much I would turn people down but so far it hasn't

Pam Thanks. I absolutely love my cricut. I don't use it as much as I should but it's really a pretty amazing machine. The newer model is even more amazing with all that it can do. These machines will even cut balsa wood.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I son shared Prime with us last Christmas. In fact I'm going to remind him tomorrow how much we love it! Well you hit the jackpot on that one. They are really cute!

CrystalChick said...

We love Prime! I think Ron orders more than he needs to sometimes, but of course I never make impulse purchases. haha!! Wonderful ornaments, it's no surprise they went quickly. You do nice work!!

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