Wednesday, November 27, 2019


There is one particular customer at the store where I work that frequently orders cakes. While most people will ask for one, maybe two colors on their cakes she always asks for at least four. I find myself getting very annoyed with that. It means mixing up extra colors and since I don't have a lot of pastry bags it usually means having to wash a bag in between colors.

On top of multiple colors, my personal opinion is that the combinations are awful. The one I had to do yesterday is a perfect example. The deli manager said that the color combination made it look like a unicorn threw up on it. I have to agree.


Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann it's awful having to do something that you are not happy doing,but I think you have done an amazing job,well done my friend xx

Rose said...

Just think how beautiful it would be in pretty colors....cause you sure got a good 'do' on it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you should charge more for more colors. that might stop it, say the regular price is with 2 or 3 colors and if more are desired, charge more for each color, like a pizza that we have to pay and each price for toppings... maybe she is color blind... that is a lot of icing on top of one cake... good job on the decorations

Kate said...

Ann, thank you for the early morning chuckle ... "looks like a unicorn threw up on it"!!!! It is a lovely cake nonetheless. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sandee said...

I think it's pretty. Some folks like all the color and others not so much.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

What a pain to mix more colors and have to clean the bags. Ugh. always do such a nice job on these cakes, Ann.

Grace said...

I dunno, I kinda like it...

Ginny Hartzler said...

I agree. But even so, you still managed to make it look pretty. But the big question is, why does she want all the cakes??

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I don't see anything wrong with the colors and your did a 'great' job. ;-)

Ann said...

Sheryl, yep but have to do what the customer wants.

Sandee, I'm ok with the decorating I just didn't care for the colors. Some of them would have looked good together but all 4 together just was too much for my taste

Lin, you said it

Grace, I liked the decorating just not all those colors together

Ginny, thanks. I think they are a large family and they celebrate everyones birthday with a cake.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

of course no turning back on it and I guess the customer felt it would be better, I always think a nice border like the mauve outline you have would be just as good, maybe if someone had suggested to her, more lines on the border, close together like a frame of the words and the flower spray...

CheerfulMonk said...

It would be beautiful if the colors were different. I'm sorry you had to make something you hate. That sucks. You do beautiful work.

Jeanette said...

It looks very pretty. Happy Thanksgiving!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well you did a beautiful job on the cake. I agree that the colors seem a little strange.

Terra said...

You created a pretty cake, though the unicorn comment made me smile.

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