Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mixed bag

Monday was sort of a mixed bag. It had weather that included both rain and snow. It had laziness and productivity although I think it was a little heavy on the lazy side.

I did a load of laundry and managed to put out a little more of my Christmas decorations. I'm pretty sure that this year there will be a lot staying in the box.

The village went multi level this year. I added a new building and keeping it flat on the top of my fake fireplace just didn't give it enough room. If you follow me on facebook you may have already seen this but here it is anyway.

I normally use a snow blanket that you buy in the Christmas section but it wasn't working for me this year so I cut up an old chenile bedspread and that's my new snow.

I took 3 pictures and then did a photomerge in photoshop elements. The bottom three pictures are just a few of the pieces in the village. The gas station on the bottom right is new this year.

Now I just need to clean up all the mess I made all over the house while I was putting stuff out.


Kate said...

I love your village and the chenille bedspread is perfect snow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like the new addition, the old time gas station... also I like it better with two levels, it looks like where my brother lives in Augusta GA, houses are just like this on most of the streets. the bedspread is really creative

Rose said...

Monday was a total lazy day for me.

I love your christmas village...

Sandee said...

I so remember decorating for several days each year to get everything up. Only took one day to take it down.

I love your village. I've never had one, but always enjoyed those that did.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

I LOVE the chenille! It adds some interest to the background to your village. The house looks great! You are certainly a lot further along in decorating than I am. *sigh*

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is so much better than one level, it really adds pretty dimension. Is that a news stand? I love it! There is so much to look at and smile about! The bedspread was a good idea! I hope you didn't need it.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I like your multi-level display, it's like hills. I've been lazy, thought I was going to get to decorating more today, but edited photos and wrote up my next blog post which took hours. ;-) Have a lovely Christmas season ~ FlowerLady

Ann said...

Sandee, I think tearing it down takes me longer than putting it up. I don't enjoy doing either.

Lin, thanks. I bought the bedspread a long time ago at a yard sale with some kind of craft in mind that I never did.

Ginny, thanks. I like it with more than one level better too. Yes, that is a news stand in there.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann i love your village its so pretty,lol i can relate to the mess it took me a day to cleanup after i dragged my xmas boxes out xx

CheerfulMonk said...

I love the different levels. My hat goes off to you for such a beautiful display. I've given up decorating for Christmas -- everything else takes way too long nowadays.

Marg said...

That is just terrific. I need to get myself motivated. I do like the gas station.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

love, love, love both the village and the fabulous solution for the snow

Ann said...

Sheryl, I still have a mess in the basement with all the totes out and things not put back in them yet.

CheerfulMonk Thank you. I don't know if I will ever give up decorating completley but I can see I'll be cutting back from what I've done in the past.

Marg, thanks

Catherine thank you. The bedspread was a great solution for the snow.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your village looks lovely. I am not putting out everything this year mainly because of James. They are the only ones coming over and we don't want to keep saying no to him. So everything will be up high and we have a nice white gate for the tree when he is here.

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