Saturday, December 21, 2019

What a day

At work we have 2 big ovens in the deli/bakery area. One hasn't worked for quite some time. Only having one hasn't been a problem. The last few days however the one working oven has been misbehaving. I put in a call to the guy who works on stuff for us. When I get to work yesterday morning there is a note saying:
Annie, we need a part for the oven. If it works tomorrow it will be a miracle.

I tell the boss and he says well lets pray for a Christmas miracle.

I punch in and head over to get started. I turn the oven on and whisper to the oven "Come on old friend we can do this" The first things ready to go in and the oven feels nice and hot. Here goes nothing. Miracle of miracles it baked without a problem. Next batch, same thing.  The guy who does the work showed up and turns on the other oven and said that he took another look at it last night and it might just work.  I made it through the whole day with both oven working. 

It was such a gift that the oven worked that I didn't care that it was gift exchange day and the person who had my name forgot my gift at home.


CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy it worked! Much more important than the gift exchange.

Hootin Anni said...

Great ending! Not that your SECRET Santa forgot your gift, but having BOTH ovens working. Why did he not add to the note, 2nd oven may work?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY! on the forgotten gift. I think your had the best gift of all, two working ovens and no gift on your tree.... hope that part gets there soon, or the miracle continues.

Kate said...

Wow! This would make believers out of the non believers, lol.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So glad to hear you had both ovens working. Have a nice weekend and a great Christmas ~ FlowerLady

Rose said...

That does sound like a glad for you. Cannot help but wonder what you would have done if it had stopped working.

Lin said...

Hooray! The Christmas Miracle!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was definitely a miracle....hooray!

Connie said...

There you go, you can pray for any and all things . . . even a proper working oven. Merry Christmas sweet friend :)

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk, you are so right

Anni, can't say why he didn't mention the other oven in the note. I don't think he really thought it would work

Lin,gotta love a miracle

Terra said...

I think you are the oven whisperer.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I suspect this time of the year - is pretty busy for a bakery - and to actually have both ovens "doing their thing, properly" a real blessing...hopefully your exchange giftee will bring you something nice real soon...

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