Tuesday, December 10, 2019

More cake

After doing the cake I posted about yesterday I had a second order to take care of. This was the order form that was left for me.

I wasn't sure if that was Happy 30th birthday Dobie or Oobie. I also didn't know if the writing was supposed to be either green or blue or did they mean they wanted green and blue, or did it mean they wanted a color that was greenish blue. I tried to call but with only the last name Anderson who do I ask for. It ended up I couldn't get through to talk to anyone any way.

I did what I thought the order meant and this was the very plain cake that they got.

I wasn't there when they picked it up so I have no idea if it was right or not.

It drives me nuts when they take orders like that though. 9 times out of 10 I can't get in touch with the person who ordered the cake to ask them questions. I try to stress that they have to be very explicit when taking an order so that I know what it means. I've also tried to tell them that I need a first name on the order so I know who to ask for if I have to call. I always feel like and idiot when I have to call and say I don't know who I want to talk to because I only have a last name. It would be so much easier if people would call during the day when I'm there but most of the orders come in at night when they are talking to someone who knows nothing about the bakery.


CheerfulMonk said...

How frustrating! Especially when it was hard to read the name. It does look pretty, though.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'd be tempted to ask my boss what the name was. If he had to decide maybe he would pressure the people taking the orders to be more careful?

Ginny Hartzler said...

This would be so frustrating. Have you had customers complain because of this? But I do like this shade of green, and it is very pretty for being so plain. I would sure eat it and not complain.

Hootin Anni said...

I can't help but say you did the best you could....Doobie, doobie, doo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking if it was doobie not oobie there was a lot of laughter going on. it looks great but so plain... you did what they wrote, that is all you can do.. I can see how it would be frustrating.

Rose said...

This would drive me nuts...I could not tell if that was a 'd' or an 'I'm either.

Lin said...

This happens when the person taking the order has never made a cake to order. They don't know the questions to ask. I think you navigated well. This is what I had in mind when I was reading the order.

Sandee said...

Communication is the most difficult of all things. I hear you on not being able to contact the person you need answers from.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Kate said...

What a dilemma for you! The cake looks good.

Pam said...

I hate trying to read others writing, but then again, they probably feel the same way about mine. Cake looks good.

Ann said...

CheerfulMonk I'm afraid asking the boss wouldn't make a difference. It's my job to make sure they do it right and unfortunately there are just too many people who don't care about doing the job right.

Ginny I don't get many customer complaints but there are some. Most of the time it's not because of the order but more because the customer is just very picky.

Anni LOL yes I did

Lin very true and it doesn't help tht they don't really care if it's understandable or not

Sandee yes it sure is and there seems to be a huge lack of communication there.

Pam There is one person there who has the worst writing ever and no matter how many times you say it can't be read his only response is I did the best I could.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Ann gee how frustrating but I think you did a fantastic job with what information you had xx

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

it might be a worldwide problem...I'm having some difficulties here at the unit where nobody seems to be able to read! On the only bit of useful metal side part of my see thru' door is a stick on thing that says Flat 1...suddenly the new tenants visitors can't seem to read. So I put another sign on the door just above the door handle (eye height) ... still today "reading has gone out the door" - am now going to make a bigger "#1" that I don't really want to do, as it will look out of place on my glass ranchslider door...

I went out to check what you would see if you came up the steps and were dithering - you can clearly see if you scan the front area the metal #2 on the hard wooden door on the other sider of a see thru' trellis divider!

Jeanette said...

That sounds frustrating! You did a nice job though!

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