Friday, December 6, 2019

Weighing in.

This losing weight thing sure hasn't been easy. I started off pretty good but the last month has been pretty much a stand still. I did good over Thanksgiving not eating too much or loading up on desserts and I didn't gain any weight there but still.

I don't call this a diet but rather a change in my diet. I'm making healthier choices and avoiding certain things like white flour and sugar. I'm also trying to keep an eye on how much sodium is in what I'm eating.  I've lost 15 pounds so far but still have another 16 to go to get to my goal weight. I am so annoyed that I let myself gain all this weight to begin with because losing it is so hard. I suppose I could add exercise but I'm going to have to do some serious pushing to get myself to do that.

One of the biggest problems right now is that I'm getting really bored with food. Or maybe it's just that I don't have the desire to cook for just myself. A month or so ago I found some pumpkin english muffins that are really good and there have been nights where my dinner was one of those. I can do that since it's just me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations that you did not gain over the holiday. That in itself is a big accomplishment! You are doing good. If you lose weight too fast, it will be harder to keep it off. Everyone says the best way to lose is slow. If you are bored with food, at least you are not craving it, that is good too!! I am hungry almost all the time.

Hootin Anni said...

I personally think you're doing just as you should...slow & steady wins the race. And if you cave in for something "unhealthy" once in a while, that's ok too. Reward yourself. Soon, you'll not like what you crave now (it's human nature).

Rose said...

At least you have lost some and eating healthier! I think you are doing good.

Kate said...

Eating healthily is important - be patient.

R's Rue said...


Grace said...

Eating is just another tedious chore on the daily list of tedious chores, isn't it? All the years I lived alone, happily and by choice, I never had a weight problem - I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I got hungry and rarely cooked a full meal. I did have the advantage of living in a big city where I could get anything I wanted, already prepared, in small portions. Nowadays if there was a way to survive without eating I would embrace it wholeheartedly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay! I am giving you wild clapping and a standing ovation for making it through TG with no weight are doing it the right way, slow but sure. hang in there. you might like doing excerise with youtube as in dancing or kicking or marching to music. fun but not boring like walking...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You're doing great! It's hard to lose AND stay healthy? Do you like eggs? They are always good for any meal and great with muffins!

Lin said...

Hey, that's great, Ann! It takes time to put it on, so be patient with yourself as it takes time to take it off too. If you find yourself on a plateau, drink more water. It helps give you a boost again to lose more.

Sandee said...

Weight is so easy to put on, but ever so hard to get off. You're doing very well if you ask me. You didn't but still.

Have a fabulous day and weekend. Enjoy your day off tomorrow.

Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Connie said...

I'm having a problem with weight at the moment too. Steve has no appetite and so I'm always making things to get him to eat more and then when he doesn't, I eat up more than I should, or would if I haven't of cooked it. I have no will power when there is good hot food or baked goods in the house.

Ann said...

Ginny, thank you and thanks for giving me the positive side to look at.

Anni, I'm fine with slow and I know that's the smart way to do it but this past month I have been at a stand still and it's frustrating

R's Rue, thanks

Grace, YES, that's exactly how I feel any more. At least now that I'm alone I can eat whatever I want or not at all if I don't feel like it. I don't have to worry about what someone else wants.

Lin, thanks. I'm ok with losing slow but when I stall out completely I get frustrated. Maybe it's because I haven't been drinking as much water. It got cold and I started drinking lots of coffee and less water.

Sandee, It is hard to get off. and thanks.

CheerfulMonk said...

We're rooting for you! As long as you don't gain it back you're doing great. The best thing is not to worry about the amount you are losing, just eat healthily and enough to gradually lose. And get involved with other things. That finding things I liked better than eating was the key for me. Now I have to watch that I'm not losing weight because sometimes I forget to eat. It does work, but it takes time. And for me time zips by when I'm involved in something I care about.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think you are doing a great job. I'm at least 75 pounds from a goal weight. You can do this and eating alone is not easy. Those pumpkin english muffins sound tasty.

Reeni said...

Pumpkin english muffins sound good! You did really well - I gained 3 pounds that are still attached to me. I know it's hard - I feel the frustration - I've been losing since around March and I'm still not where I want to be.

Anonymous said...

Good for you that you didn't over indulge throughout Thanksgiving! I did and I will say , it was all worth it, as I love turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce and mayo on one slice my heart-healthy bread!! I think cooking for one would be difficult so don't beat yourself up for an occasional shortcut. You're entitled...:)jp

Jeanette said...

I try to look at it as just a health lifestyle and the weight loss is a bonus!Keep up the good work!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I'm home alone as well, and I often eat some strange combinations - but as long as no one delves into what I am's fine with me!

And as someone else commented, if you fall of your preceived bandwagon, then get back on when you safely can...AND then there is the adage, go all out, but actually baby steps are just as good...

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