Saturday, April 18, 2020

Enough is enough

This is what it looked like when I left work yesterday

And remember those baby leaves the other day that made me happy? Well now look at them.

I don't which is going to put me over the edge quicker, the weather or the pandemic.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! I hope it left as quickly as it came.

CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful pictures, but not for this time of year!

Hootin Anni said...

Isn't this so typical? Beautiful Spring weather...then, BAM! More winter!

Ella said...

O my gosh!
I assume you wont be anywhere in the high north … and it can be so cold there! That is "global warrrminng"! Brrr! LOL
Thank you for visiting!
Enjoy your weekend!

Kate said...

Beautiful photos! I dislike getting snow this late in April.

Connie said...

Snow in April, that just doesn't seem right. I'm so sorry. Stay well dear friend. We are one day closer to the end of this pandemic.

Gayle said...

I was feeling exactly the same yesterday. This morning there were several red winged blackbirds feeding so my hope for the weather has been restored---the world chaos? Not so sure. Just being able to sit outside would help immensely.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

those poor sweet little green leaves. I hope they survive the snow. hope it is melting quickly. snow PLUS pandemic is just not right... hope you and all of us have brighter days SOON..

Rose said...

I dont even want to look at my flowers, what few were started. There was a big first this morn! So if there is any of me left to be pushed over the edg . It is the weather that will do it.

Pam said...

WINTER needs to end for you folks!! I dislike winter so much that I would not do good in Northern states.

Jeanette said...

I've had enough of both! yesterday it snowed and snowed all day. Luckily it was too warm for it to stick to anything but grass!

Lin said...

It's snows in April and depresses everyone. Don't worry...spring is coming! And your spirits will sail when things are green and blooming....even if we can't all go outside and enjoy it.

Hang tough, Ann!

Forsythia said...

Yep, the weather in northwestern PA is absolutely nuts. (Not that it's never crazy in Maryland.). I remember coming back to Meadville in the mind-seventies to attend the June wedding of one of Mom's neighbors. They had a tent in the backyard for the dinner. It was so windy that the tablecloths billowed. Every time the kitchen door opened to let the caterers out, the guests crowded into the kitchen to get warm. Just crazy!

Ann said...

Ginny, it's pretty much all gone now

CheerfulMonk, by this time of year I want flowers not snow :)

Anni yep it sure is.

Ella This is bad enough so I won't be moving to higher elevations to get more of it.

Kate, I just want a little spring time

Gayle We had sunshine today. still a bit cold but at least it wasn't snowing again

Pam, yes it sure does

Lin you are so right. Green always makes me happy

Cynthia, yep, you just never know what you will get

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Every so often I see Northern Hemisphere people saying "this lock down situation isn't going to truly hurt me, I can sit in my yard in the sun"...

peppylady (Dora) said...

No leaves yet on our tree here in North Idaho. Stay with it soon the leaves will be out

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I agree, we have had the worst weather ever since October. Could, cloudy, and rain! I'm ready for some sunshine.

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