Sunday, April 5, 2020

Scavanger hunt

I'm playling along with Anni
I'm kind of being lazy about it though. I copied and pasted the list of items from Anni's blog instead of typing it all out myself. I may or may not get back to link up. I at least managed to get all the pictures though.

1- A piece of jewelry with RED on it.

2- An animal [live or stuffed] 
I couldn't decide so I gave you live AND stuffed.

3- A printed item [book, magazine, letter, package, etc.] with the letter "L" on the cover/front

4- A YELLOW flower [artificial or real]

5- Framed art with a human image

6- Anything made of glass [except for a drinking glass!]

7- Something with a buckle

8- Something square or rectangle that is BLUE

9- Anything that is unopened [can, jar, carton] with the word "Nutrition" printed on it

10- This is #10. It is an odd one. Find something and make it a "Macro Mystery". It has to be an item that is uncommon. Something we do not see every day. :for instance, a paint can opener:...and a macro image [close up]. Make the image a mystery for us to guess what the item is; not the 'whole thing'. Then, after you link your hunt items, we can guess what it is in your comments!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you really have me stumped! I cannot figure out what it is! I love your cute little glass basket and eggs!

Rick (Ratty) said...

The closest I can guess is that your mystery item is part of a machine, which is too vague to be a decent guess.

The Feminine Energy said...

I love Anni's scavenger hunt and plan on partaking myself.... perhaps tomorrow. I LOVE all the items you chose, Ann, but boy.... I'm stumped on what your last picture is. I couldn't even venture a guess. All those holes... hmmmm!! My husband loves a good mystery. I think I'll ask him to venture a guess. I'll write another comment if he has any idea. Love, Andrea xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the little basket and the real animal HA HA.. sorry Gibbs , I know you are not an animal but an adorable pup... I am really stumped on the macro. I think it is part of a stand of some kind.. or maybe a metal plate on a wall?

Rose said...

I love Gibbs! I need to do to get my lazy mind in gear and think about it. But it is so hard for me to concentrate. I cannot even come up with anything your mystery might be....

Forsythia said...

The scavenger hunt looks like such fun. Haven't a clue about your mystery object.

Hootin Anni said...

I added your link!

Also, my favorite is your glass Easter basket! And, of course, Gibbs. A buckle on a sandal! Genius. Now, the mystery macro. At first I thought it was a weight for a dumb-bell for the gymnast. Heck, now I haven't a clue.

Thanks for playing.

Gayle said...

Part of a heating unit from an oven/stove or grille?

CheerfulMonk said...

I would have trouble finding some of those! And I'm Curious to see what the mystery item was. A fun post.

Ann said...

Ginny, stay tuned, answer tomorrow :)

Ratty, I don't know if I can give a better guess than that. All I can do is show the whole thing tomorrow. Maybe someone will know what it's actually called.

Andrea, I think guys are more likely to know what my macro item is.

Cynthia, it was fun trying to find all the items around the house.

Anni, thanks for linking me up and for coming up with this idea. It was fun.

Gayle, good guess but nope :)

CheerfulMonk, I had troubel finding a buckle. I was searching a while before I finally spotted the sandal.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Great items Ann. I saw your post from today and I have to agree with you about the mystery item. This was FUN!

My Mind's Eye said...

Adorable pup....I am a huge fan of word search puzzles too.Yep your macro is a mystery.
Hugs Cecilia

nookworm said...

The little glass basket with eggs got my attention! And I never would have thought a buckle being on a shoe! Your mystery item is wonderful- It is a numbered gear of some kind. FUN!

Caelan Murray said...
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