Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Stupid is as stupid does

And boy did I pull off a really stupid one. I mentioned that Saturday I got out in the yard and did some work. Well Saturday night I was looking for my glasses and couldn't find them anywhere. That is until I went back outside to put the lid back on the burn barrel. This is what I found laying on top of the ashes.

Those are the glasses I just got last year. How they got in the burn barrel I can't say for sure. I have two theories. I had my glasses on top of my head and when I reached down in to light the papers to start the fire they fell off. Or the second theory is that they fell off my head into a pile of sticks I was picking up and I threw the whole thing in there. Either way I don't recall them falling off. Needless to say I was none too pleases with myself.

I called the place where I got these and they are closed thanks to covid 19. There is an emergency number you can call but I really don't classify this as an emergency. I can see without them and I have readers to use for reading. I don't know how long the prescription is good for but I'm hopig they can make a new pair off of that rather than having to have another eye exam.


Ginny Hartzler said...

OH NO! They are broken bad! I am so sorry. Thank goodness you are not too blind without them.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so glad you can see without them, but you don't need something like this right now. :(

Ella said...

Fortunately you can also see without glasses …
I'm so sorry you have to wait for the new one!
The opticians here measure the eyes every two years, so maybe you're lucky!
No post today ... I'm taking a day off!

Hootin Anni said...

This covid-19 sucks. All the way around! Let's hop, soon, you can get 'em replaced!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad you can still see without them and pray that you'll get a new pair soon. Do you have a copy of your prescription? You could order new glasses online if you did. Hopefully things will open up soon for all of us.

Kate said...

You're fortunate that you aren't dependent on them. It's curious how some things happen.

Gayle said...

Life becomes more mysterious everyday.

Rose said...

Oh, Ann, I feel bad for you...this is so something that would happen to me. Around here, I think prescriptions are good for two years, but not sure.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would be up the creek without a paddle if that happened to mine. i can't drive or see and if i did housework, i would leave dust and streaks I can't see. I even have trouble seeing well with glasses on. Mine go on when I stand up out of bed and off when I turn out the lights at night..

Jeanette said...

Oh that is a bummer. I think I did a post a long time go titled exactly the same thing! I can't remember what I did at the time but I have put my glasses on my head and then have them fall off and not know it before!

Sandee said...

You did a fine job destroying them. I hope you can get a new pair and soon.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

The Happy Whisk said...

Hubby broke his too and the place is closed. Sorry yours ended up in the burn barrel. I love that should you need it, there is an emergency number to call.

Grace said...

That totally bites...

Ann said...

Ginny, they sure are.

CheerfulMonk me too

Ella that's true, it could be worse

Anni yes it does

Gayle, lol yes it does

Sandee LOL that I did.

Happy Whisk I wonder if they would consider this an emergency

Grace, it sure does

Lin said...

My eye doctor is open for emergencies...and I bet yours may be too. Even if they just order you a new pair using the old prescription. It just stinks....the inconvenience, the fact that it happened, that this virus is keeping us from getting us what we need. Some days, I am just TIRED of this. I'm sure you are too.

I'm sorry that this happened.

Terra said...

Oh don't you just hate when something like that happens? And no one to blame but little ol you. Things like that sometimes happen to me too. A couple of days ago I had some ice cream for dessert and put it back, in the refrigerator, overnight. Silly me.

susan q said...

blame it on coronavirus or even better Don Corona.

My Tata's Cottage said...

I constantly lose my glasses and I am truly blind without them. Sometime I set them down to rest my eyes and then move and they fall on the floor. I hope you can get new ones soon. Take care and have a good week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope you can get them replaced without to much trouble and cost involved.

Reeni said...

I'm sorry that happened! Totally sucks. My prescriptions are good for 2 years - hopefully yours are too and you won't have to get another exam.

Duni said...

Oh no! I would be lost without my glasses! I hope the prescription is still good.

Laurel Wood said...

Oh no! That is awful. I'm so sorry.

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