Monday, April 6, 2020

What was the macro

For my macro shot in the scavenger hunt yesterday I dug around in Wade's toolbox. I don't know exactly what this is but I think it has something to do with drill bits. If I'm wrong feel free to correct me.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I would never have guessed this! It looks like different sizes of drill bits fit in it, maybe for storage. Great choice!

CheerfulMonk said...

I would never have guessed!

The Feminine Energy said...

Not a clue what that is, Ann.... even after seeing it in regular size. But your theory of being something for drill bit size sounds logical to me. Love, Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said... is definitely antique. Great item.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i know what it is, not the real name, it is to check the sizes of the bits that go in drills. stick the bit in to see what size it is. if drill bits get in a drawer all mixed together you can't tell their size... I love it, rusty and old and beautiful. bob would love to own it. I did not have to ask him, having lived 35 years with The Drill Bit man.. ha ha...

Rose said...

If I had it, I would hang it on the wall...I love it.

Kate said...

Well done, you, I never would have guessed. This looks quite vintage and worth hanging on to.

Forsythia said...

Looked like a belt buckle at first glance. Yeah, it's for little bits and pieces. NICE!

Sandi said...


Ann said...

Ginny, I'm never good at guessing these things.

CheerfulMonk, if I didn't know what it was, neither would I

Andrea one of Wade's toolbox treasures :)

Anni thanks.

Cynthia Yep. It's hard to tell with just seeing a small bit of something.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, a GREAT find and shot as well! I do believe it’s for measuring drill bits as many others have said...:)JP

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

reminds me of knitting needle holes to that measure gauges/sizes usually in both Imperial and Metric...

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