Tuesday, April 7, 2020


These days I do a lot of scrounging. Trying to find something to blog about, trying to find something to entertain myself with, trying to avoid the endless posts, news articles and reports regarding the coronavirus.

I don't look forward to my days off as much as I did. I still love being able to sleep in a little and leisurely drink my coffee and enjoy blog reading but once that is done, then what? Well yesterday I paid some bills, I read a little, I tore my vacuum apart and cleaned out the gunk that was preventing the belt from working. Oh boy, did I have a good time.

I also took a walk around the house because Sunday when I came home I spotted a sign of spring.

I don't have a lot of flowers in my yard because I am horrible at gardening and I don't like weeding. It was nice to see these blooming though.

Of course I also see that I have a whole lot of cleaning up to do from last fall with all those leaves. Too bad I don't have the ambition to go out and take care of it. The days are getting nicer but Monday was a bit cool.


Ginny Hartzler said...

They are so pretty and cheerful!

Hootin Anni said...

I love daffodils. Gardening, I used to enjoy, now?...not so much. Most everything here is evergreen, so leaves aren't an issue. It's more trimming constantly because of rapid, continual growth. You certainly brightened my morning tho, with those beautiful blossoms.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if I had those jonquils I would pick one and put in my bud vase, just to bring JOY inside the house.. staying home 24/7 for 3 weeks is making me crazy. bob says making me crazier... today is my 1 hour escape day. headed to WM for Senior HOUR... who would have thought I would look forward to wearing a mask, standing in a line waiting to get in WM....

Rose said...

Boy, those are gorgeous flowers. Mine hav not bloomed yet. I am lacking ambition these day, too. And have so much I need to do.

Kate said...

Love the daffodils Ann - how nice to have them blooming.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I've found it hard to get interested in a sewing project or crafts. I have been reading books a lot and that helps. Your Spring flowers are just beautiful. I hope you stay safe and healthy my friend! Take care!

Gayle said...

The daffodils are beautiful this year. Thanks for sharing yours.

Anonymous said...

Well I told you a long time ago, we should have been neighbors BECAUSE I LOVE GARDENING! Daffs are always a sign of SPRING, HOPE and just plain HAPPINESS in my eyes!!...:)jp

Jeanette said...

It sure is hard to have any ambition right now! Today especially is a rainy day. We had several daffodils and tulips at our old house. I'm sure they look beautiful right now. I should have dug them up and brought them with me! I haven't planted any perennials here,

Lin said...

Spring flowers always boost the mood, but it seems exceptionally so right now. My snowdrops and crocus are nearly done blooming, but we enjoyed them so while they were here.

The Feminine Energy said...

Daffodils... one of spring's first hellos. I'm not very ambitious these days either, Ann, so don't feel bad. I have a bedroom to finish painting & have all the time in the world to do it... but just don't feel like it. I'm being gentle with myself during these days of uncertainty however so... you have permission to do the same. Bless you for being one of the "frontline workers" during this pandemic. Where would folks be without grocery stores being open?! Love to you~ Andrea xoxo

Sandee said...

It's a different time indeed. We haven't been to the boat in over a month. It's safer that way. I hear you about having stuff to do but not wanting to do it. I'm with you right now. I think it's the weather for us. It's been cold and very wet.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Ann said...

Ginny seeing the daffodils each spring always makes me happy

Anni Me to on the daffodils. I've never been much of a gardener. My dad was great at it but he didn't pass that one on to me.

Gayle, they are and you're welcome

Lin they sure do.

Sandee. I imagine you can't wait to get out on the boat again. Hopefully it won't be much longer.

CheerfulMonk said...

Daffodils are my favorite flower, especially because the animals up o the land don't eat them if they're not in a cage.

I'm not getting much done either, but I don't worry about it. I try to do one tiny thing a day, with the emphasis on "tiny". It's a perfectly normal reaction and the main thing is to take care of ourselves. Thank you so much for blogging!

My Mind's Eye said...

Ann I love your daffies...ours have all dried up but they were glorious this year just like yours. Such happy flowers
Hugs Cecilia

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Don't worry about what you've posting...

the Spring yellow flowers are drop-dead gorgeous...

Terra said...

Daffodils are such a happy sight, thanks for sharing them. This time of isolation is making me realize I need to hire a gardener to keep the weeds at bay, but will need to wait til the crisis ends. My lilacs are blooming, hurray.

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