Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I'll keep the whining to a minimum

Thanks everyone for your comments on yesterdays post. I won't respond to each of them because it will just get me going again. Things going on right now are just driving me crazy. Just a brief continuation on yesterdays post and then I'll move on. I live in a really small town. We have the grocery store I work in (small independantly owned), Dollar General, Family Dollar, a independantly owned drug store and a Country Fair (convenience store/gas station that is a large corporation). The boss sent me out on a mission. He gave me $20 to go shop in these stores and scope out what they were doing as far as masks/gloves. Of the 4 stores only 1 person was wearing a mask, one was wearing gloves and the rest had neither. 2 of the stores do have a plexi glass shield. People won't complain about them though, they have a habbit of only slamming us.

On another note, we have a self serve donut case. Not one complaint so far about it although other stores have discontinued their self serve donut cases. Today one guy told the boss that Store X isn't selling their donuts any more. Maybe you should stop with yours too. Really? If you have a problem with it then just don't buy them but don't ruin it for all the other customers who still want to purchase them.

OK I'm done now. Just so you know there are still things that make me happy. Seeing little baby leaves coming out on the trees is one of them.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So did you find anything at the stores? Twenty dollars is not much, as these items can see for huge amounts now. Our grocery store has self serve bagels, muffins, and donuts. They have taken the muffins and bagels and packaged them up by twos. So we can still buy them. But donuts would sweat, so they have none now. And they used to have a lot, many shelves all decorated specially. Now I'm really hungry.

The Feminine Energy said...

I think if the owner of your store is concerned about what to do regarding masks, gloves, food safety and all that jazz....he should contact your area's state representative or your state's governor's office..... to find out the rules and regulations regarding COVID-19 safety issues, Ann. I'm sure your state also has a website that lists precautions that are suggested, rules that have been implemented, guidelines for store owners, etc. To me it's common sense that if the nation's children are pulled out of school and high school & college commencement ceremonies are cancelled... and grieving families can't even hold public funeral services for their loved ones... this virus is serious & it's dangerous and everyone should be doing their part to make sure it doesn't spread, especially to those most vulnerable. But maybe that's just me, I don't know. May God keep you safe, my friend, and may your store's owner get the right information from the authoritative sources in your area. Love, Andrea xoxo

Hootin Anni said...

I would have taken the $20 and purchased gas for the car and then take a drive somewhere for blog photos with my cellphone...then report back to work. (But, that's just me)

Gayle said...

$20 - last of the big spenders--haha

Hats off to you and your fellow workers. And your supply of wine to see you through is gone too. As of today Ohio has closed beer and liquor sales to PA as has WV. UhOh. Just kidding; I don't even know if you drink such.

We usually shop closer to the city but the little village near us has a grocery much like yours and a smaller 'market' on the main highway as well. Those are the two places the RG is frequenting these days for the essentials. And they both have their own butchers which is another plus.

I saw yesterday that meat producers are beginning to shut down.

Lisa said...

Isn’t it just crazy now days? Wow.
Self serve doughnuts and breads are something I have never been comfortable doing. I have seen people take them, smell them, handle them and then put them back. I was sort of a germ freak even before all this.
But I do love a good doughnut so if they are just put out and fresh, I want hesitate grabbing one....or four.


Rose said...

We no longer have the donuts...have not had them for years and I miss them. Krispy cream(creme, kreme?) Came into town and right away our store cut number they made. And theirs were the best around.

I do wonder where it is going to end.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I LOVE THE ITTY BITTY GREEN LEAVES pic... they are beautiful and no germs and free to look at. did you get your emergency fund money from the govt today? bob and I got ours and 2 of my tops friends did also. check your account. then go buy donuts. he he he

Jeanette said...

There is so much gloom and doom everywhere you look anymore that I always look for any little bit of happiness and hope! People should keep wearing their masks while shopping just to help end this thing sooner!

Sandee said...

Since the beginning of time there have been that one person (clod as I call them) that ruin it for everyone else. They are so miserable that they want to make sure everyone feels as miserable as they do. Bless their hearts.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Lin said...

I think the stores here are giving their employees masks to use, but I don't think they are mandatory. If they were, then how do you enforce proper usage and correct wearing of said masks? I think we are crossing a very dangerous line there.

As for the donuts--can you bag them up and leave the tops open to breathe? All self-serve food here has been discontinued.

CheerfulMonk said...

Our store doesn't have self-serve things now, but I think it should be up to the consumer in your store. As you say, people don't have to buy them. Give them a choice.

Stay safe!

Ann said...

Ginny, actually he told me to buy him so white 2 of the stores were dollar stores and at another I looked for vitamins that I needed and the final one I bought him two bottles of ginger ale that were $1 each. I spent a total of $3.

Andrea, The owner is totally up to date on what's required he was just wondering what the other stores were doing because it's always our store that people tend to pick on. He gets regular updates one rules and regulations plus he's done his own research so he knows what's required of us.

Anni, darn, why didn't I think of that

Gayle LOL, I saw that about Ohio and then I heard NY also. I'm not much of a drinker so it doesn't bother me.

Sandee Clod is a good word and we have plenty of them around

Lin, masks are advised but not mandatory. Try telling that to some people though. They seem to think that it's the law that we wear them. The problem is that the person who raised a fuss WILL run their mouth all over town and he really doesn't need the bad plublicity. As for the donuts, the problem with that people are stuck with a mix they may not want.

CheerfulMonk Exactly.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

the gorgeous greenery emerging in nature...thanks for finding a great photo

Pam said...

tell me you got my comment. Got an error when posting.

Ann said...

Pam, sorry but the one saying you got an error was the only one I saw. I hate it when that happens

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