Monday, April 20, 2020

That's entertainment

Well it's entertainment for me any way. Gibbs wasn't real thrilled with the idea. To prove his displeasure he snapped at me when I tried to take it off of him.

I was only trying to protect him from the virus.

In other news, when I got home from work yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time this year. Snow on Friday, mowing on Sunday. It's crazy I tell ya. I wasn't alone in mowing either. I saw a neighbor a few houses up mowing and when I went out the neighbor next door was already working on his lawn and the house on the other side of him started mowing too. Guess it was the day for it.


Ginny Hartzler said...

People here are out everywhere doing yard work, the garden centers are huge business now. Well how else can people get out? Gibbs looks SO mad. But this is SO cute and funny!! I hope you gave him a treat afterward. But I bet you didn't, because it would reward him for snapping at you. He maybe thought pink was too girly. Try a blue one next time.

Ella said...

Oh,that's such a sweetheart!
I think Ginny was right! Gibbs don't like a pink face mask! LOL

Anni said...

That'll teach you Ann. Never try to entertain yourself at Gibbs' expense. But, gee, what a cute picture!

Keeping my fing e s crossed that my comment publishes. Internet issues on my side.

Kate said...

Too cute and I agree that Gibbs might have been offended by a pink mask - mom, what were you thinking?!! lol Tell him he looks as cute as a bug's ear.
Crazy is a good description for the weather - everything is nuts!!

Rose said...

Synchronized mowing! Gibbs is so cute...maybe he wanted to wear it all day!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I had to laugh looking at Gibbs with his mask. What a hoot!

I need to get out and mow again, it's been a few weeks since the last time, although with little to no rain it hasn't mattered much as grass wasn't growing very fast. The heavy long rain period the other night gave everything a much needed drink. I don't know if I feel like it or not today.

Have a good day Ann and thanks for the laugh! ~ FlowerLady

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i feel like snapping at someone when i wear my mask. BOL.. poor Gibbs, but you do look cute. if you moved down here you could mow your grass year round, come on down....😎

Jeanette said...

The look on Gibbs face is hilarious!

Pam said...

Keep GIBBS safe....nice.

The Feminine Energy said...

*haha* Poor Gibbs! *chuckle* I believe I would have snapped at you too, if you would have put that thing on my face. He's probably thinking "Your problems are NOT my problems... so go deal with this virus-whatever but leave me out of it!!" :-D Yes, the lawn mowers can be heard buzzing in a distance around here too. I don't mind those so much but when those doggone leaf blowers start up.... Ughhhhhhh!!!! And sometimes it seems like they go for hours on end. Oh well... guess folks don't have much else to do. Love, Andrea xoxo

Sandee said...

What we do to our babies is funny but sometimes our pups don't care for it. Gibbs is a cutie pie.

Have a fabulous day off Ann. Big hug to you and scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How cute is that! Give Gibbs a treat for modeling for us. Hugs!

Marg said...

Gibbs probably didn't like the mask over his nose. He looks a little worried. How nice that all the lawns all got mowed. Have a super day.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He looks so cute! Way to go on mowing the lawn.

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

Many people here in my city with gardens with grass have their lawns mowed by a lawncare business...and guess what during LOCK DOWN - they aren't allowed to come by and do it. Fortunately my lawn isn't a nice kind of properly seeded branded one so it's not too long quite yet! Mostly the weeds are thinking about sprouting up...

I too would be snapping at you or anyone else, insisting they help me put a mask on. The only time I wear a mask is to do dust/vacuum things here because of my regular respiratory issues...when I forget, which I do at times, I pay dearly for that!

Reeni said...

Maybe a more manly one would make Gibbs happy! There's lots of mowing going on here too. It makes me sneeze. :)

Ann said...

Ginny, the garden centers here aren't open. Even Lowes and Home Depot have closed off their garden centers. You're right, no treat because of him snapping at me.

Ella, could be right

Anni Lesson learned but I still thought it was funny

Pam, that's what I thought too

Andrea He had no problem with me putting it on him but he snapped when I went to take it off. Maybe he liked it

Sandee, he was definitely not impressed

Catherine Maybe he snapped because I was laughing at him too much but I thought it was

CheerfulMonk said...

Poor Gibbs, but I love the picture. :D

The Happy Whisk said...

Gibbs is an excellent name! I mowed here for the first time too, this Monday. Love mowing. Wishing you a happy Spring!

Duni said...

Awww Gibbs has got his own little face mask :)
That's adorable!

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