Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The power of suggestion

I had been talking to one of the girls at work and she was telling me about buying a pillow pad for her mother. It's a wedge shaped pillow that will hold a book, kindle, tablet, phone etc and you have hands free use of any of those items. She said her mom really liked it and she bought one for herself. Then Sandra from Mad Snapper was telling me about the one she got and she posted it on her blog. I decided I wanted one and ordered it on Amazon. It was supposed to be here this past Monday but actually arrived Sunday.

I kind of wanted the blue one but they were currently out of stock on both the red and blue so I got the black.

When I first got it, it came compressed in plastic. I took the plastic off and was all excited to see it expand. Let me say that I was a little concerned that maybe I had wasted my money. It said it would expand in just a few minutes. It actually took it a few hours. So far I really like this. It's so much easier because when I was holding it I would constantly hit the back button.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A great purchase! Seems like everyone is buying them now, what with the isolation.

Hootin Anni said...

Hope you like it! I'm sure, just the way I am, it would eventually get placed somewhere and not get used.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay!!! another pillow owner! I wanted black and could not get it. the problem with my red which I love is everything on my bed is red and sometimes i can't find it when it is in plain sight... it has really helped my hands. i am having the hit the wrong button on my new phone because an ididot designed it.

Rose said...

I am wanting one of those as well.

Kate said...

Good idea!

Luiz Gomes said...

Good morning, how are you? I am Brazilian and I am looking for new followers for my blog. I can follow you too.

If you follow me you can send the link to my blog and I will follow you back.

Sandee said...

First I've heard of the pillow for your tablet. I'm glad you like it and it will make life easier. Good for you.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Grace said...

I've seen something similar on Instagram that can be used at 3 different angles and I've thought about getting one, Can you use this one at different angles or does it have just the one orientation?

Ann Thompson said...

Three different angles

Pam said...

Looks like it would be very useful.

Grace said...

Yeah, after reading this post I went and bought one LOL I got the Ontel Pillow pad in charcoal....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I saw that Sandra got one and now you have one. I just might look into getting one of those. Enjoy!

CheerfulMonk said...

I had a choice when I bought mine and got the black. I didn't put mine in the dryer with a wet towel, and eventually it puffed up fine. It has three orientations, but the other two don't work for me. I stick with the slanted one.

Thanks, Sandra!

Lin said...

Very cool!

Linda said...

I saw Sandra's and now yours! I'm going right now to order mine!!

Ann said...

Ginny it does seem to be a popular item

Anni, I'm guilty of doing that with a lot of things

Sandee, so far I am liking it.

Grace hope you enjoy yours

Pam, I think it is

CheerfulMonk the black is ok but I kind of wanted the blue. I'm impatient and didn't want to wait longer though. I read that you could put it in the dryer with a wet towel. Glad to know that worked.

Lin, yep yep :)

Forsythia said...

Makes me think maybe I need a Kindle after all.

Ann said...

Poet, thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you like my blog. I agree, everyone does have something they can teach us.

Cynthia I love my kindle.

Reeni said...

I need one of these! Very cool.

Jeanette said...

I thought about trying to make one of those but I may just get one off of Amazon. Such a cute pic of Presley!

Laurel Wood said...

Oh how nice. I had not seen these before.

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