Wednesday, June 10, 2020


My daughter likes to send me pictures to use for my blog. As long asnshesngoing to give it I may as well use it.
Her and her friend went to check out some local cemeteries. 

Not sure exactly what these are but they look like a baby cradle to me


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness, I have never seen anything like it. It looks like twins died shortly after birth.

CheerfulMonk said...

The two cradles do look sad. What a neat daughter you have!

Hootin Anni said...

Odd, a bit eerie, and sad all at the same time...the cribs.

Laurel Wood said...

So nice of your daughter to share with you. I have not seen anything like the "cradles." I hope you will have a good day.

Rose said...

I think they look like cradles, too. The others are so interesting.

Grace said...

I have several conflicting thoughts about cemeteries which I won't expound upon here, only that I find them interesting places to explore.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enjoy wandering through very old cemeteries and these look like the graves are really really old. It has been a while since I've been out in one. Too hot to go out and wander around in a cemetery now summer is upon us. Glad your daughter shared these with us

Sandee said...

I love strolling though an old cemetery and reading the headstones. Such history there.

Have a fabulous day, Ann. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to Gibbs. ♥♥♥

Annsterw said...

Super interesting walking through cemeteries. It is neat to see what people choose as their "final" quotes on some. Those cradles are super sad :-(

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

The Borrowers is a book, and I believe films have been made...I'm not sure though the "cradles" would've featured in them.

The Feminine Energy said...

My mother & I used to go to the cemetery on a quiet Sunday afternoon and clean the graves of our relatives... and then just walk around, looking at all the headstones. How nice of your daughter to send you blogging material, Ann. Those baby cradles sure are something... poor babies! There's a headstone I remember from when I was young... Mom would always point it out to me. It was a statue of a little boy & a little girl, holding hands under the shelter of something that looked like a seashell. Anyway, as it turns out, these two children were brother & sister and they were murdered together by a deranged 15yo neighbor boy. This would have been in the early 1950s or so. I can still see the statue & grave in "my mind's eye" but I haven't physically seen it in years. The next time I go to the cemetery I'll try to find it. If I do I'll take a picture of it and post it on my blog. Love, Andrea xoxo

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I love walking through a cemetery and taking photos of tombstones.

Ann said...

Ginny, it does look like that

CheerfulMonk yep, she's a keeper

Anni very true

Grace, I do too.

Sandee, that's for sure

Ann yes it is. There are quite a few around here that have such old stones you probably can't even read them any more

Catherine, I think there was a animated show called the borrowers as well

Andrea oh what a sad story about the brother and sister.

CrystalChick said...

It's weird, my husband and I have wandered around old cemeteries occasionally, I've taken pictures like that (although not of those cradle stones) of interesting old stones, yet we rarely go to visit graves of family.

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