Sunday, June 14, 2020

I can see clearly now

I got a voicemail the other day saying that my glasses were ready. I live in Erie county but the city of Erie is about a 1/2 hour drive so I had to wait till yesterday to go pick them up. After that I stopped at Walmart for dog food and then came home. I spent the rest of the day laying on the couch watching tv because I was totally exhausted. I can't  believe just doing that wore me out.
Any way, here are the new glasses


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love them! And you are looking so pretty in this picture!! You made a good choice. You work full time, I would be chronically tired.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, those are winners! I'm with Ginny, you work so hard that you need all the rest you can get.

crafty cat corner said...

I like. Your eyes are central and they show your face well.
How did you get them? Our opticians are closed and I am desperate for an eye test.
As for being tired, I can't do much without being tired these days and its so annoying. Guess its old age in my case but for you I know you work hard. Enjoy your time on the couch and don't feel guilty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they look great, so do you, this is a really good selfie, did you do the wave at the phone????? just sitting in a chair these days is exhausting. i think it is our frame of mind

Hootin Anni said...

I love it all! Your hair color, your frames your shirt and most of all...your smile!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

That is a great picture of lovely, happy you. Going out shopping or anywhere actually, wears me out. You have a full-time job and that makes one really tired. I feel I have been more tired the last three months with covid 19 in the world. We've been wishing it would be all over soon, but here we are three months later, waking up from our sleep every night and it is still here. I pray for strength to get through each day, do my best to look for the beauty in each day and to have joy and thankfulness. Some days it is easier than others. It is a time of reflection, learning and 'being'. God is in control, working all things out. One day at a time.

Have a lovely Sunday dear Ann and a great upcoming week ~ FlowerLady

Jo said...

Wow Ann, you look so pretty in those glasses. Well done on taking some time to rest. I told my SIL on Friday that I would be doing nothing this weekend. She replied that she can never see me not working. Just the luck of the draw! Be safe and stay well. Jo

Carol said...

I love the glasses! I truly believe that this has been a hard year on most of us so far and nothing seems to be easing up. Co-Vid, riots, racial divide, protests, monuments being removed to erase history- what a time to just want to relax and hope and pray for better days.

Laurel Wood said...

Very pretty photo, Ann. I love the new glasses. Glad you could rest after you returned home.

Grace said...

I think the tiredness is becoming cumulative. I bet you are so looking forward to the days when you will have a long stretch of time doing nothing - longer than 8 or 12 hours. Nice glasses, love the shirt!

Rose said...

You are looking good! They suit you just fine.

Jeanette said...

I got new glasses a few months ago. At my last eye exam the doctor told me my prescription was too strong so when I got the new glasses I was amazed at how much better I can see with them!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They look very nice. So glad you got them and can see!

Connie said...

You look very stylish, new glasses are always a good thing . . . seeing better and having a bit of a new look. They are very becoming:)

Kate said...

Looking good! ^^

The Feminine Energy said...

Your new glasses look like they were designed just for you, Ann. They're *perfect* on your face! How pretty! I love glasses that show a woman's pretty eyebrows & don't block them. Gorgeous! Love, Andrea xoxo

Pam said...

They look great....I need to go order mine. However with the fact that the last four times I have had my eyes checked they have been some better each time, I can actually do without them. Course I am one of those folks that don't wear them like I should have been. I would wear for watching a movie, driving but hated the bifocal in them so I just did not use them. I use my prescript sunglasses more then anything

Lin said...

HOORAY! Glad you got your new glasses! I'm sure you are just exhausted from all these months of long days and hard work. I hope this eases up on you soon so that you can get some rest.

Linda said...

You look wonderful!!! I am going next Monday into Waco to get my eyes examined and get new glasses! I got my first prescription glasses last March and did npt buy really good ones. They are so scratched now! I double up on reading glasses to read and wear readers to see. SO looking forward to getting some new ones. Yours look great!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I agree that you've been fair battling a full time workload - with lots of everything else going on - I would be tired as well. You need a long slow summer break from it all...somewhere you kick of your shoes and just laze around. But guess that's not quite on the cards just yet...

Forsythia said...

I love your glasses, your hairstyle, and your butterfly shirt!

Silver in AZ said...

Hi Ann! You look great! (and if you remember me, I'm back after a 9 mo. blogging hiatus!)

Silver in AZ said...

Apparently, I had my blog set at private from last fall. Dur. LOL It's open now, so please come and visit when you can! Thanks!

Duni said...

Isn't it a great feeling to finally be able to properly see?!
Those look good on you.
I wear bifocals now...

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