Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Days off

This week I have a total of 3 days off. Yesterday, today and Saturday. I should be happy about that and yet I'm not.
Days off are lonely and boring. I don't go anywhere, see or talk to anyone or do anything. If it wasn't for work and my blog friends I would probably go totally crazy.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Awww. I know a lot of people feel this way, especially now. But at least you could sleep late!

Hootin Anni said...

I'm not much of a socialite, so the time alone I always appreciate even more. But, I do get up & out of the house as much as I can to keep busy with yard work & birding & walking. The hiurs go faster.

Grab Gibbs, Drive just to drive, and walk a park (wearing a mask of course & keeping your distance).

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can totally relate to what you're saying but only from the distant past before I retired. I used to feel the same way I had a lot of time off that we had to use and I would take mine for days in a row because a whole week off would make me crazy and that was even with having a husband that was off to. The thing is even without the virus there's not that much to do when you're home alone. I saw Annie said to take gifts for a drive it doesn't seem to be as much fun if it's just you and a dog going for a drive or for me that's that way. Wish I was there and we can drive together or walk together or talk together

Ann said...

Ginny, I do think that the current situation has played a big part in it.

Anni, I've never been much of a social person but it never bothered me this much to be all alone so much.

Rose said...

I do wish some of us lived close to each other...I am home all the time except for errand and drs visits, and occasionally seeing the girls...but do have Lorelei sometimes. It would just be fun to have someone close to go for a walk with...or drive, or sit in the porch and talk a bit.

crafty cat corner said...

I do know what you mean Ann, if I didn't have Tom here I would only have my kids. I am not a mixer although I love the blog.
I can see why some folks choose to keep on working.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Ann, Many of us are tiring of being so isolated. I know on your days off, you miss interaction with people. I find it uplifting to drive the dog around the block. It's good for both of us! lol

Sandee said...

Big healing hug, Ann. ♥♥♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

((Hugs)) Yes blogging helps me a lot!

Silver in AZ said...

bloging is definitely a nice connection effort!

The Feminine Energy said...

I'm glad you've got some rest time, Ann, but I do know what you mean. I'm very grateful for my blog & all of you blogging friends too. I can't say that I'm bored at home, as there's always a ton of things to do it seems... but I can get lonely, that's for sure. I'd be lonely anyway, virus or no virus, but the virus seems to make me notice it more. Love, Andrea xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

I haven't felt that way in years, but that's what my summer vacations were like when I was a preteen. I felt really isolated then and the summers seemed interminable.

Now Andy is gone most of the day but we interact some in the late afternoon/evening. It makes a huge difference, and if one of us dies the other will have a huge hole in their life, but I haven't felt lonely in years. We both have our projects that we love. It would be a lot different without email and blogging. Doing things I love and sharing them through blogging seems to be enough.

Try to do some things that are fun while you are resting up. You've been working so hard lately you've probably lost touch with the things that "spark joy", but I'm guessing they are still there. It would be nice if you had a friend close by that you could take a walk or something with when you can't interact with your family. "Find what you love and find a way to share it with others" works for me. Maybe try some things and blog about what helps and what doesn't?

Anyway, we're rooting for you! Take care.

handmade by amalia said...

This is such a difficult time. Maybe look for a new hobby? A big hug.

Beyda'nın Kitaplığı said...

Blog yazmak çok güzel:)

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

yep, you gotta find an avenue to deal with what isn't happening right now...are there any zoom groups you get involved with. If you likes reading a "book group on line" or something similar that has you interact with people, not just friends but people all over.

maybe take an online class or buy a class that makes you work at it whenever you have a down time, one that has say a forum/other that means you share the results...

or get into some podcasts that cause you to get into making something different or learning something that intrigues you.

Jeanette said...

When I was working I used to only take time off if I had an appointment, plans with a friend or was going on vacation. I never learned to just take a day to relax and do me time! Probably why I got burned out so fast! For now I'm off all of the time and thank goodness for my daughter and grandsons who I regularly see. I should try to get a part-time job soon though!

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